Release Notes ============= main ---- Feb. 20, 2024 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.2 - Delete mailinglist files (#3357) - Add upgrade rules to ruff (#3316) - add ruff rule PLW0602 global-variable-not-assigned (#3331) Dec. 14, 2023 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.0 - Remove Uber Header (I3.h) (#3151) - Fix E731 lambda-assignment (#3271) - general python cleanups (ruff/E713) (#3269) - python ruff cleanup fix EXE001 (#3289) June 22, 2023 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.7.0 - Make I3Tray.I3Tray and icecube.icetray.I3Tray the same thing. (#3102) - Remove all references to load_pybindings (#3086) - Improve tests' parallelism Apr. 05, 2023 don la dieu (nega AT --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.6.0 - Minor cleanups Dec. 12, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.5.0 - Documentation cleanups Jul. 29, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.4.0 - Drop support for Python 2 - Cleanup python bindings / modules - Updates for C++17 Dec. 15, 2021 Kevin Meagher --------------------------- IceTray release v1.3.0 - Change examples, tests, and documentation from I3GulliverIPDFPandelFactory to I3RecoLLHFactory as part of the ipdf -> rpdf changeover - Improvements to links in the documentation Dec. 20, 2019 Alex Olivas ( ------------------------------------------- Combo Release V00-00-00 - Minor doc updates - Allow Paraboloid to take services by pointer as well as by string - Move move location of test data in tests December 3, 2017 Kevin Meagher --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V01-09-01 - Add print function for `I3ParaboloidFitParams` - Scripts cleanup: remove `Finish()` and `TrashCan` - Docs cleanup March 13, 2017 Kevin Meagher ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V01-09-00 - Added `OutputName` parameter to `I3ParaboloidFitter` so we can stop using the module instance name as the name of the fit. - Added serialization project - Documentation clarifications - Update pull correction figure - Switch example scripts to imporved linefit - Python3 support - Cleanup after tests May 2, 2016 Alex Olivas ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V01-08-00 - Add decent sphinx documentation - de-ROOT-ification * remove #ifndef CINT statements from I3ParaboloidFitParams * replace TVector3 by I3Direction * replace TRotation by I3Quaternion * replace TVectorD by boost::numeric::ublas::vector * replace TMatrixD by boost::numeric::ublas::matrix * replace "Kramer" (solve linear equation) by example code from boost docs * A 100 files from a Level3 numu dataset (11191) has been processed with both the old root-based and the new root-free version of the paraboloid implementation. Comparing the I3ParaboloidFitParams information yields these statistics: - The PBF fit status was identical in all 1e4 processed events. - err1 difference [deg]: mean=-1.23809e-05 median=3.77691e-15 min=-0.130205 max=4.06929e-05 std=0.00126928 - err2 difference [deg]: mean=-1.32443e-06 median=1.09083e-14 min=-0.0148373 max=0.000650885 std=0.000144787 - sin(rotang differenc) squared: mean=7.72024e-09 median=5.13299e-23 min=0 max=8.12016e-05 std=7.9158e-07 * TODO: write unit tests for ParaboloidImpl stuff !!!!! April 3, 2015 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V01-07-00 - Draft of a prototype for a python version of paraboloid (pyraboloid), not to be used yet except for development - Clean out really old ROOT fossil (LinkDef.h) -- David Boersma - Fixes for new I3MCTree -- David Schultz - Recognize I3_TESTDATA -- Alex Olivas September 30, 2014 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 01-06-09 - Add python and docs directories to CMakeLists - Make sure that paraboloid pybindings still exist for ROOT-less builds - Clean up code in the scripts - Remove obsolete cmake_policy lines -- David Boersma July 14, 2014 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 01-06-08 - Remove flat-ntuple output from test script -- Meike de With April 8, 2014 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 01-06-07 - Change incorrect format specifiers -- Nathan Whitehorn - Setting error status manually, to avoid having a PBF error status while the paraboloid I3Particle object still has fit status OK -- David Boersma January 15, 2014 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 01-06-06 - In case of bogus input or crazy configuration, make sure that paraboloid does not crash but floods the user with errors -- David Boersma August 20, 2013 Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 01-06-05 - Import dataio -- Jakob van Santen - Make project compatible with Python 3 -- Nathan Whitehorn Version V01-06-04: February 21, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed dependency on log4cplus, DOMcalibrator, FeatureExtractor * Removed Reconfigure() method Version V01-06-03: September 11, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use GetName() instead of getting a configuration from the context Version V01-06-02: June 25, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use SetGeometry method from gulliver * Remove reference to I3ConverterFactory Version V01-06-01: January 11, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * set non zero noise rate * clean up dependencies Version V01-06-00: August 09, 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * adapted to various changes in offline-software Version V01-05-01: March 12, 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * fixed a typo in tableio converter Version V01-05-00: November 11, 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * added tableio converter Version V01-04-00: August 11, 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * updated interface for parametrization object * updated scripts Version V01-03-01: October 27, 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * minor update (release for std-processsing) * this should have been V01-03-00, is V01-03-01 due to misnumbering of previous release * minor update to CMakeLists.txt Version V01-03-00: August 19 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * this releases (for icerec) was mis-numbered, should have been V01-02-01 * added python bindings * cmake tweaks * removed "typedef" specifier from enum for paraboloid status Version V01-02-00: 24 June 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * got pybindings for loot, for the I3ParaboloidFitParams class * add possibility to skip vertex refitting (keep minimizer option empty, and/or set the vertexstepsize to zero) Version V01-01-00: 3 January 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version V00-05-02: 10 August 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rotation angle fix * cmakification Version V00-05-01: 13 June 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep release number synchronous with the rest of the swift suite. * no significant updates Version V00-05-00: 13 April 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * adding vertex correction to grid points before actual vertex fit (using new Tweak method) * add option to allow fit failures on a limited number of grid points * do not trust ``I3MCTreeUtils::GetMostEnergeticInIce(*mctree)``, get it manually * in the I3Particle result, use the parabola minimum for angle; refit the vertex. * bugfix in paraboloid fitparams constructor Version V00-04-01: 9 February 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * added another status check: make sure estimated angular error > 1e-5 rad (<1% of reconstructions have anomalously small errors ~ 1e-20 rad) Version V00-04-00: 11 December 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * added status indicators which identify various failure modes * result object was not completely filled, is fixed now. Version V00-03-00: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- skipped, due to questions about quality (cause of apparent quality change: changed seed vertex correction defaults in the I3BasicSeedService) Version V00-02-00, 29 August 2006: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * first implementation. compiles & runs, no guarantees. * releasing, just before I will add I3MCTree functionality