.. _icetop-level3-scripts-release-notes: Release Notes ============= main ---- - Modified the "AddSLCCalibration" module to also read in the column of "year-to-year" creep in the constants, and compute crossover points accordingly. Sets of numbers put in resources/data/ for use by this module. (#3453) March 14, 2023 don la dieu (nega at icecube.umd.edu) ---------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.10.0 - Added module which populates a "I3IceTopSLCCalibrationCollection" from json/text files and adds it to a C-frame, and modified the "MakeL3GCD" script to run also this module when creating GCD's (#3361) - Replaced the now-legacy "SLCCalibrator" (which only ran on pulses where the chip/channel are known, and used pickle files), with the new "SLCCalibrator" which runs on all pulsees, and draws its calibration constants from the C-frame, including for those whose chip and channel are unknown. (#3361) - Fixed bug in "ChangeSnowHeight_interpolate" script to account for a change in .csv column naming convention (#3361) Feb. 20, 2024 don la dieu (nega at icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.2 - Delete mailinglist files (#3357) - Add upgrade rules to ruff (#3316) - Remove all tab characters used for indentation from python files (#3300) Dec. 14, 2023 don la dieu (nega at icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.0 - Add module which looks for background primaries in the I3MCTree, and saves them in their own Tree in the frame. (#3306) - Add module which strips I-frames (other than the first ones), to declutter and save disk space when many files are concatenated. (#3306) - Add guestimate snow lambdas up through 2024 (#3306) - Remove naive datetime() objects (#3304) - Fix E731 lambda-assignment (#3271) - general python cleanups (ruff/E712) (#3268) - general python cleanups (ruff/E713) (#3269) - fix B028 no-explicit-stacklevel (#3265) - fix E714 not-is-test (#3270) - python ruff cleanup fix EXE001 (#3289) - cleanup shebang related issues EXE002-5 (#3257) June 22, 2023 don la dieu (nega at icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.7.0 - Make I3Tray.I3Tray and icecube.icetray.I3Tray the same thing. (#3102) Apr. 12, 2023 don la dieu (nega AT icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.6.0 - Added an end-to-end test to the test suite - Removed year-dependent "names" structures from icetop_globals. (Although there was a lot of variety in pass1, there is far less in pass2, where one default value works for all years.) Instead, the IceTop StreamName and any other frame object names that need to be changed can be specified as user parameters. This will make it much easier to deal with both data and Monte Carlo from various years. - Modified level3_IceTop_InIce.py to be able to handle it if the user lists the GCD as the first input file (as is done in iceprod). - Modified level3_IceTop_InIce.py to be able to handle it if the GCD is not a "Diff" file. Dec. 12, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.5.0 - Moved and renamed the "MakeL3GCD_MC.py" script to the "examples" directory, since it is needed only to fix observation-level bug issues after the fact. Removed the default ObsLevel in that script (in case it is used) - Added TwoStation-filtered events to the list of those to process Coincidences - Added "domeff" as a top-level user-controllable parameter, instead of it it being hardcoded (#2956) [Agnieszka LeszczyƄska] - Added "icetray.I3Frame.Simulation" to the list of frame types to save (#2962) [Matthias/Kath] - use sphinx extension extlinks to shorten/correct links [Kevin Meagher] Jul. 27, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT icecube.umd.edu) --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.4.0 - Drop support for Python 2 - Updates to make sure compatible with changes elsewhere (i.e. moving "DOMEfficiency" option out of millipede) - Documentation clean up Feb. 22, 2022 Katherine Rawlins ------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.3.0 - Updates IceTop globals for IC86/2021 & IC86/2022 - Added option to specify a snow file by hand - Modified the two ChangeShowHeight scripts to not assume that "TankA=0 and TankB=1", but rather to access the StationGeo through function that is immune to ordering. - Add some scripts and tools for looking at (and modifying) the ordering of IceTop tanks in the StationGeo. - Tweaks (especially to level3_iceprod.py) to be compatible with iceprod, in particular remove hardcoded Madison paths and replace with cvmfs - Do not calibrate the IceTopSLCVEMPulses (or put them through TankMerger) if the IceTopRawData is not present. Instead, leave them uncalibrated in the frame and include them in the list of things to write out in I3Writer. Delete the IceTopSLCVEMPulses if they are successfully calibrated and keep the IceTopSLCTankPulses instead. - Add the TrayInfo frames to the list of things output by the I3Writer - Change of nomenclature in output PulseSeries frame objects: "_SnowCorrected" -> "_SnowUnAttenuated" - Change the location where SLC calibration constants are looked for, so that it finds the "new" ones in /cvmfs/icecube.opensciencegrid.org/users/icetopusr/SLCcal/ -- Kath Rawlins Feb. 16, 2021 ---------------------------- icecube/icetray Release V01-02-00 - Change of nomenclature in scripts (to match toprec): "SnowCorrection" -> "SnowAttenuation" - Added ability to fix the MCPrimary time, and to specify the height of the atmosphere in MC - Change output stream name from "ice_top" to "IceTopSplit" -- Alessio Procelli Nov. (??), 2020 ---------------------------- Combo Release V01-01-00 - Added a "pass2a" option, which looks for L2 GCD files and data files in the level2pass2a folder, knows the different naming conventions for frame objects, and various other small differences in processing. - more python3 compatibility tweaks March (??), 2020 ----------------------------- Combo Release V01-00-00 - Bugfix: ChangeSnowHeight_interpolated not behaving correctly for a) stations near where there is a "hole" ('-') in the in-situ measurement spreadsheet, or b) days that exactly match the day of an in-situ measurement. Routine reformulated to be more graceful. - Unit test added for ChangeSnowHeight_interpolated, and CMakeLists modified to include resources/test -- Kath Rawlins - python3 compatibility tweaks -- various people Dec. 20, 2019 Alex Olivas (aolivas@umd.edu) ------------------------------------------- Combo Release V00-00-00 - Updated in-situ snow-measurement file, and associated elements in scripts - Modified scripts to use STTools instead of SeededRT - Added two-station filter functionality for 2016 and beyond - Miscellaneous small tweaks to stay functional with the rest of combo