=========================================== How to implement your own minimizer service =========================================== Overview -------- With *minimizer* we mean a generic minimizer algorithm, that is, given a function :math:`f(x)` of :math:`n` parameters, starting values :math:`x = (x_{1},...,x_{n})` and initial step sizes, the algorithm will try to find a set of numerical values for :math:`x` that consists of a close enough approximation of a *local* minimum for :math:`f`, which is hopefully also the *global* minimum. (See below in the Tolerance_ section for a discussion of what "close enough" might mean.) For example, if we can set bounds for all :math:`n` parameters, then we could simply fill the :math:`n`-dimensional parameter space uniformly with a dense grid of points, evaluate :math:`f` on all those points, and pick the one at which the function value is lowest. For the level of precision that we usually aim for, this "brute force" approach is usually computationally prohibitive, and we use algorithms that try to be "smart" and we rely on "seeds" (starting values) that are obtained with some "first-guess" method that hopefully does a reasonably good job at picking a phase space close enough to the likelihood function extremum. Implementations of minimization algorithms are available from a variety of libraries (e.g. GSL, ROOT, :mod:`scipy`), which all come with different interfaces. In Gulliver, yet another minimizer interface is defined. Most minimizers currently available with Gulliver are actually *wrappers* for the external implementations. If you would like to add a wrapper to yet another minimizer, or maybe implement your own method, then this documentation is for you. Language choice --------------- The job of implementing a (wrapper of some external) minimizer for use with Gulliver amounts to implementing a subclass of the :class:`I3MinimizerBase` base class. You can do this in C/C++ or in Python. Pick one. C/C++ Implement a subclass of `I3MinimizerBase`_. For inspiration you might have a look at an existing implementation, such as the GSL simplex wrapper: the `header`_ and `implementation`_. Python In "principle", the base class is defined in lines 186-225 and 262-268 of Gulliver's `ServiceWrappers.cxx`_; however, it may be more helpful to have a look at an example such as the `scipy minimizer wrapper`_ in the ``lilliput`` project (that project was actually originally meant exclusively for minimizer implementations). .. _I3MinimizerBase: https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/gulliver/public/gulliver/I3MinimizerBase.h .. _header: https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/lilliput/public/lilliput/minimizer/I3GSLSimplex.h .. _implementation: https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/lilliput/private/minimizer/I3GSLSimplex.cxx .. _ServiceWrappers.cxx: https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/gulliver/private/pybindings/ServiceWrappers.cxx .. _scipy minimizer wrapper: https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/lilliput/python/__init__.py Tolerance --------- There does not seem to be a universally adopted definition of "tolerance" for a minimizer, so you can pick your own. The Gulliver interface assumes that it can be represented by a single number, that's all. In the documentation and example scripts for your minimizer wrapper, you should inform your users about its meaning/definition (if any) and some reasonable values for your definition of the tolerance. One kind of tolerance refers to the estimated distance of the *function value* (with the current best set of parameter values) to the absolute minimum function value. In Minuit, Minuit2, and ROOT this is called "EDM" or "Estimated Distance to Minimum". Another kind of tolerance refers to the estimated distance of the (current best set of) *parameter values* to the parameter values for the absolute minimum. For example, `Nelder and Mead's simplex minimizer`_ characterizes this with the "size of the simplex". In an :math:`N`-dimensional phase space, a "simplex" is the volume enclosed by a set of :math:`N+1` points and usually the "size" of the simplex is defined as the maximum of the distances of these :math:`N+1` points to the center of gravity of this simplex. .. note:: This assumes that a given numerical distance has roughly the same significance for all dimensions in phase space and that is why in the GSL simplex wrapper the values of the fit parameters are divided by the step sizes. Since Gulliver does not know which definition of "tolerance" is used, it will not check that the result presented by the minimizer is indeed within the configured tolerance. However, see Convergence_. .. _Nelder and Mead's simplex minimizer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelder%E2%80%93Mead_method Maximum number of iterations ---------------------------- Resources are finite, so it must be possible to put a limit to how long your minimizer keeps on searching. Like with "tolerance" there is no universal definition of "iteration", but it should be strongly correlated with the number of likelihood function evaluations. It is up to the algorithm/wrapper to enforce this limit; Gulliver does not do that. Gulliver does count the number of likelihood evaluations and exports this information as the ``nmini`` data member of the :class:`I3LogLikelihoodFitParams` output object. Convergence ----------- Most minimizer algorithms claim they "converged" if they managed to find, using less than the maximum number of iterations, a point in the allowed phase space at which the gradient is practically zero and in an environment around this point the function values are larger or equal to the function value in that point. There is a special case where the definition is kind of ambiguous, namely when the function in the said environment is perfectly constant. In other lingo, the "likelihood landscape" is "flat". There may be scientific applications in which it is acceptable or even desirable to label such solutions as "converged", but fitting the parameters of an event hypothesis for an IceCube event is not one of them. If the likelihood landscape near the solution is flat, then we want to consider the fit as "not converged" or "failed", because most likely the minimizer got lost in a part of phase space where all recorded hits in the array look like random noise hits. For this reason most minimizer wrappers for Gulliver use the "flatness check", a utility function implemented in the :cpp:any:`I3MinimizerUtils` namespace (which is private in ``lilliput``, at the time of writing these docs, but it should really move to ``gulliver`` public), to accept or reject a converged minimizer result. Local versus global minimum --------------------------- Ideally the minimizer will find the "global minimum", that is, no other point in the allowed phase space has a lower function value. However, some minimizers (e.g. simplex) will just find the local minimum that is closest to the first guess. For fast fits (online filtering) that is good enough, and for "easy events" (obvious down-going muons or textbook neutrino events) the likelihood function has only one real minimum. However, there are also many tricky cases and in higher level analysis we want to try harder to make sure that we really get the fit with the best likelihood. There are several approaches towards trying to find the global minimum. The method most commonly used in IceCube involves the "iterative fit": after performing a regular fit, we randomly change the direction of the fit track or shower, and then we use that as a new seed for a new fit to the same event. On the result of this new fit we again randomize the direction, providing the seed for the next iteration. So after 1 regular fit and :math:`N` iterations we have :math:`N+1` results. If the likelihood function has multiple local minima then hopefully at least one of these :math:`N+1` results points close to the global minimum. Another method is to employ a minimizer algorithm that aims to do better than finding local minima, for instance the so-called "MultiNest" algorithm [Feroz]_. This minimizer is used for the low energy "hybrid reconstruction" and it would be interesting if someone could make a Gulliver wrapper for this minimization method. However, this algorithm typically needs a very large number of function evaluations. Gradients --------- Some minimizers may use gradients. Not all log-likelihood services provide gradients, and not all parametrization services support gradients. .. note:: If the parametrization service performs any coordinate transformations then it should apply the chain rule in order to get the correct gradient. But if an analytical gradient is available, then this can sometimes speed up the minimization substantially. The documentation for a minimizer service should clearly state whether it will use the gradient or not. The minimizer service base class also has a virtual method ``UsesGradient()`` and before attempting a fit :class:`I3Gulliver` will check that all services are in agreement with each other about the question of whether gradients will be used or not. Initialization (start of the run) --------------------------------- Check the :ref:`IceTray documentation ` on how to write services: how to deal with a *context*, add/get configuration parameters (not to be confused with "fit parameters"), and all that, so that your wrapper class can be "added" to a ``tray`` and you can configure it. Studying the code of other minimizer wrappers can be helpful, but try to understand what you are doing and why, and avoid the "cargo cult" style of coding. Minimization ------------ The minimization is requested by Gulliver by invoking the ``Minimize`` method, providing a :class:`I3GulliverBase` reference (actually just a reference to itself!) and a vector of "fit parameter initialization specifications" (:class:`I3ParameterInitSpecs`) as input. The fit parameter initialization specifications specify (for each fittable parameter): * **initial value**: seed value * **name**: e.g. for logging messages * **step size**: users sometimes confuse the "step size" with "tolerance". It is important to realize that these are two very different things, because with too small step sizes the minimizer will very easily get stuck in local minima. Usually parameters have some reasonable range of values; as a rule of thumb the step size should be about 5-10% of that range. * **bounds** (if any): Gulliver specifies the bounds with a lower and upper limit (inclusive). If these values are identical, then the implication is that there are no bounds. It can happen that some parameters have bounds while others are boundless. For a parameter with bounds, the parametrization service should make sure that the initial value is at least one step size away from either bound, and the parametrization service may call ``log_fatal`` if the minimizer suggests a value that is outside of the given bounds. Some minimizers perform better with bounds, others cannot be used without them. Recommendations for bounds should be clearly specified in the documentation of your minimizer wrapper. The function values (and gradients, if available and desired) can be evaluated through the :class:`I3GulliverBase` functor. This functor really is actually just the :class:`I3Gulliver` object that can talk to both the parametrization and the likelihood service. In order to request function values, call the functor object with a vector of parameter values. The length of the vector must of course be exactly as long as the length of fit parameter specifications, and obey bounds (if any). Parameter values should also never be ``NAN``. If gradients are desired (and supported), then call the functor with a second vector of the same length; after the call that array should be filled with the values of the partial derivatives corresponding to each parameter. Result ------ The result of the minimization should be reported through the return value, an object of the struct-like type :class:`I3MinimizerResult`: ``converged_`` (boolean) This is the most basic data member. You should claim convergence only if the algorithm claimed it did converge **and** the likelihood landscape around the solution is *not* perfectly flat. ``minval_`` Keep this ``NAN`` if the minimizer did not converge. Otherwise: set it to the function value at the minimum. ``par_`` Parameter values which yielded the found minimum. ``err_`` This data member is *obsolete*, Gulliver completely ignores whatever you store here. Many minimizer do not report uncertainty values. Uncertainty estimates should be reported in the diagnostics data member. ``diagnostics_`` This is where uncertainty and other algorithm-specific information should be made available. You can use any data type you like, as long as it derives from :class:`I3FrameObject`. References: .. [Feroz] Feroz et al. "Importance Nested Sampling and the MultiNest Algorithm" :arXiv:`1306.2144` (2013)