.. _I3GenieSystWeightTracReader: I3GenieSystWeightTracReader =========================== This module converts a list of GENIE ReWeight output root files to a dictionary with arrays of corresponding systematic weights for each event. Can convert systematic weights with arbitrary number of tweak dials (tweak dials are not saved). .. caution:: Assumes that input files are produced for the same sequence of events as in :ref:`I3GenieTracReader` module. Event numbers are checked but there are no way to justify that particular ``grwght1p`` output file was produced for a given GHEP file. Systematic weights reading module is separated from I3GenieTracReader because in newer versions of GENIE (>=v3) ReWeight and Generator are different products. Example usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python tray.AddModule(I3GenieSystWeightTracReader, SystWghtFileNameList = ['systw.NuMu.A.1400002.MaCCRES.root', 'systw.NuMu.A.1400002.MaCCQE.root'], SystWghtDictName = "SystWghtDictName") Signature ^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: icecube.genie_reader.I3GenieSystWeightTracReader **Methods:** .. automethod:: icecube.genie_reader.I3GenieSystWeightTracReader.Configure .. automethod:: icecube.genie_reader.I3GenieSystWeightTracReader.get_systematic .. automethod:: icecube.genie_reader.I3GenieSystWeightTracReader.DAQ .. automethod:: icecube.genie_reader.I3GenieSystWeightTracReader.Finish Output object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I3GenieSystWeightTracReader produces only one type of objects: 1. ``I3GenieSystWeightDict`` (Q-Frame) Dictionary (:cpp:type:`I3MapStringVectorDouble`) which has an entry for each of the systematics from the files specified in SystWghtFileNameList. Name of a systematic is a key, which corresponds to an array of systematic weights. Example: .. code-block:: none I3GenieSystWeightDict [I3Map >]: [rw_AhtBY => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_BhtBY => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_CV1uBY => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_CV2uBY => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_MaCCQE => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_MaCCRES => [0.131828, 0.197077, 0.316496, 0.360967], rw_MaCOHpi => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_MaNCEL => [1, 1, 1, 1], rw_MaNCRES => [1, 1, 1, 1]]