.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 The IceTray Contributors .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause .. index:: Red Hat Variants .. _RedHatVariants: Red Hat Variants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CentOS / AlmaLinux / Rocky Linux """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Red Hat variants not recommended for desktop or laptop use. Your mileage may vary. Please report successes and failures to the #software channel. .. note:: As of December 2020, Red Hat unilaterally terminated CentOS development. The last version was CentOS 8.5. Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux are considered "spiritual successors". Prerequisite for the optional module ``photospline`` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ``photospline`` is no longer included as part of IceTray, but developed independently, and must be installed before building IceTray. .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/icecube/photospline.git $ mkdir photospline/build $ cd photospline/build $ cmake .. $ make -j$(nproc) $ sudo make install For detailed installation instructions see https://github.com/icecube/photospline. Minimal Install ............... Need to enable PowerTools to get boost-python3-devel. Note that the stock cmake version 3.11 doesn't detect python 3.6, so it's currently recommended to install the latest version of cmake (https://cmake.org/install/). .. code-block:: console $ dnf install epel-release $ dnf config-manager --enable epel $ dnf config-manager --enable extras # for AlmaLinux 8 $ dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools # for AlmaLinux 9 $ dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb $ yum install gcc gcc-c++ make $ yum install zlib-devel python39-devel \ boost-devel boost-system boost-thread boost-date-time \ boost-filesystem boost-program-options boost-regex boost-iostreams \ boost-python3-devel gsl-devel bzip2-devel cfitsio-devel Full Install ............ The following projects are considered optional and the system libraries have not been tested yet. Projects/tools in combo not built with this minimal package installation: * hdfwriter (needs hdf5) * millipede (needs suitesparse) * wavereform (needs python3-numpy) * Muonitron table-maker (needs python3-numpy) * docs (needs python-sphinx doxygen) * gcdserver (needs pymongo) * unit tests (some needs python3-scipy) Special Install ............... The following are a bit special and require extra care, especially if you want to run clsim and ppc on GPUs, which require hardware drivers. * dataio-shovel (needs cdk5, ncurses) * rootwriter (needs ROOT) * steamshovel (needs qt5opengl5 python3-matplotlib python3-pyqt5 ipython3) * SPRNGRandomService (needs libsprng2) * wavedeform (needs blas lapack) * libarchive (needs archive, zstd) * NoiseEngine (needs healpix-cxx) * dst (needs healpix-cxx) * astro (needs starlink-pal) * filterscripts-cxx (needs astro which needs starlink) * ROOT (no longer provided via aptitude) * clsim (needs OpenCL, ZMQ, and optionally GEANT) * zmq5 * opencl * ppc (needs OpenCL) * opencl * g4-tankresponse (needs GEANT)