I3WaveCalibrator ---------------- Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ **Launches**: Name of the I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap to get from the frame, e.g. "InIceRawData". **Waveforms**: Name of the I3WaveformSeriesMap to put in the frame. This map contains all ATWD/FADC/SLC waveforms obtained from the input; if desired, they can be split out into separate maps using :ref:`I3WaveformSplitter`. **Errata**: Name of the std::vector to put in the frame, containing the OMs for which the calibration failed in one or more waveforms, and should be considered unreliable. **ATWDSaturationMargin**: Saturation threshold of the ATWD, in ADC counts below the maximum value; e.g. a saturation margin of 123 means that ATWDs with any bins above 1023-123=900 counts will be considered saturated. **FADCSaturationMargin**: Saturation threshold of the FADC, in ADC counts below the maximum value. .. note:: The ATWDMode parameter is no longer supported. I3WaveCalibrator will always calibrate all channels present in each DOMLaunch. If you need to have only the highest-gain unsaturated channel it can be split out using :ref:`I3WaveformSplitter`. OutBoxes ^^^^^^^^ One. Example ^^^^^^^ :: from icecube import icetray, dataio, WaveCalibrator tray = icecube.I3Tray() tray.AddModule("I3Reader","reader", Filename="data.i3.gz" ) tray.AddModule("I3WaveCalibrator", "sedan", Launches="InIceRawData", Waveforms="CalibratedWaveforms", Errata="BorkedOMs", ATWDSaturationMargin=123, FADCSaturationMargin=0, ) tray.Execute()