.. _STTools_algorithms_seededRT_migration: Migrating old script for using STTools ====================================== This section shows how to migrate old scripts, that use the old *SeededRTCleaning* project, to use the STTools project instead. Assuming the old script contains a ``tray.AddModule()`` statement that looks similar to this: .. sourcecode:: python tray.AddModule("I3SeededRTHitCleaningModule", "hit_cleaning", InputResponse = "SLC_InIceRawData", OutputResponse = "SLC_RT_InIceRawData", RTRadius = 150, #default RTTime = 1000, #default DeepCoreRTRadius = 90, #default = -1: same as RTRadius DeepCoreRTTime = 700, #default = -1: same as RTTime MaxIterations = -1, #default = -1: infinite Seeds = "HLC" #default ) The script snippet above would do a seededRT cleaning of DOM launches with different RT settings for IceCube and DeepCore DOMs. The seed hits would be all HLC DOM launches. In order to do the same thing but using STTools, the script snippet above would have to be change to: .. sourcecode:: python # Create a ST configuration service that will be used by the icetray module. # Note: IceCube-DeepCore DOM links will get the DeepCore-DeepCore DOM link # ST configuration automatically, if not specified seperately. stConfigService = STTools.seededRT.configuration_services.I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService( ic_ic_RTRadius = 150*I3Units.m, ic_ic_RTTime = 1000*I3Units.ns, dc_dc_RTRadius = 90*I3Units.m, dc_dc_RTTime = 700*I3Units.ns, treat_string_36_as_deepcore = False, useDustlayerCorrection = False, allowSelfCoincidence = True ) tray.AddModule("I3SeededRTCleaning_DOMLaunch_Module", "hit_cleaning", InputHitSeriesMapName = "SLC_InIceRawData", OutputHitSeriesMapName = "SLC_RT_InIceRawData", STConfigService = stConfigService, MaxNIterations = -1, SeedProcedure = "AllHLCHits", Streams = [icetray.I3Frame.DAQ] ) It is worth noting, that once a ST configuration service has been created (i.e. the ``stConfigService`` object in the example above) it can be used for several seededRT hit cleaning modules. For a full list of options for constructing the DOM link SeededRT configuration service see section :ref:`STTools_algorithms_seededRT_I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService`. In cases, where I3RecoPulses rather than DOMLaunches are going to be seededRT cleaned, the ``I3SeededRTCleaning_RecoPulse_Module`` or ``I3SeededRTCleaning_RecoPulseMask_Module`` must be used instead (see also :ref:`STTools_algorithms_seededRT_I3SeededRTCleaningModule`).