Project truncated_energy ------------------------ Invoke with: ``import icecube.truncated_energy`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3TruncatedEnergy ``"I3TruncatedEnergy"`` *(C++ I3Module)* This module estimates an energy for a given track, using photorec tables. :param BadDomListName: *Default* = ``'BadDomsList'``, Name of the BadDomList frame object, only needed for method "UseAllDOMs". Default is "BadDomList", set to "" to use all DOMs. :param I3PhotonicsServiceName: *Default* = ``'I3PhotonicsService'``, Name of the I3PhotonicsService instance you want to use. Default is "I3PhotonicsService". :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param RecoParticleName: *Default* = ``''``, Name of the reconstructed particle you want to use. Default is "". :param RecoPulsesName: *Default* = ``'RecoPulseSeries'``, Name of the MC Hits you want to extract. Default is "RecoPulseSeries" :param ResultParticleName: *Default* = ``'TruncatedEnergy_'``, Name of the resulting particle you want to write to the frame. Default is "TruncatedEnergy_"+RecoParticleName. :param ReturnBinPos: *Default* = ``False``, Return the minimum distance along the track of any DOM which gives the position of the bins. Default is False. :param SetMaxCylinderBIN: *Default* = ``80.0``, Set maximum cylinder distance for BINs method. Default is 80.0m for best precision, use 1000.0 to include entire detector. :param SetMaxCylinderDOM: *Default* = ``60.0``, Set maximum cylinder distance for DOMs method. Default is 60.0m for best precision, use 1000.0 to include entire detector. :param SetMinCylinderBIN: *Default* = ``10.0``, Set minimum cylinder distance for BINs method. Default is 10.0m for best precision, use 0.0 to include entire detector. :param SetMinCylinderDOM: *Default* = ``0.0``, Set minimum cylinder distance for DOMs method. Default is 0.0m for best precision, use 0.0 to include entire detector. :param SetMinDOMS: *Default* = ``8.0``, Set minimum number of DOMs for the event to qualify. Default is 8. :param UseRDE: *Default* = ``True``, Use relative DOM efficiency from GCD file (takes into account QE of HQE DOMs) or not? Default is True. Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: Calculator ``Calculator`` *(Python I3Module)* Stochasticity calculation module :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param OutputName: *Default* = ``'Stochasticity'``, name of the output stochasticity frame key :param Truncated_dEdxVector: *Default* = ``''``, name of the _BINS_dEdxVector key in truncated reconstruction result :param Truncated_Model: *Default* = ``'_SPICEMie'``, ice model used by truncated reconstruction :param Truncated_Seed: *Default* = ``'SplineMPE'``, seed of truncated reconstruction :param Truncated_Suffix: *Default* = ``''``, additional name tag that goes into truncated output keys :param UseTruncatedInputs: *Default* = ``0``, does the i3 file contains _dEdxVector output from truncated reconstruction?