Project simprod --------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.simprod`` Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: DAQCounter ``DAQCounter`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param NEvents: *Default* = ``0``, name of event counter .. js:data:: DAQCounter ``DAQCounter`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param NEvents: *Default* = ``0``, name of event counter .. js:data:: PrintContext ``PrintContext`` *(Python I3Module)* ** .. js:data:: I3DepositedEnergy ``I3DepositedEnergy`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param MMCListName: *Default* = ``'I3MMCList'``, Name of I3MMCList object .. js:data:: ModifyEventTime ``ModifyEventTime`` *(Python I3Module)* Modify the time in the I3EventHeader :param MJD: *Default* = ``55697``, Modified Julian Date :param MJDNanoSeconds: *Default* = ``0``, Number of nanoseconds after the start of the MJD. :param MJDSeconds: *Default* = ``0``, Number of seconds after the start of the MJD. :param Randomize: *Default* = ``False``, Randomize mjd within year starting with MJD :param RNG: *Default* = ``None``, (pseudo-) random number generator .. js:data:: Corsika5CompWeightModule ``Corsika5CompWeightModule`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param CylinderLength: *Default* = ``-1``, Height of Generation Cylinder :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``-1``, Radius of Generation Cylinder :param EnergyPrimaryMax: *Default* = ``0.0``, Primary maximum energy (from CORSIKA steering file) :param EnergyPrimaryMin: *Default* = ``0.0``, Primary minimum energy (from CORSIKA steering file) :param MCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, Name of MCTree List to get from frame :param Name: *Default* = ``'CorsikaWeightMap'``, Name to give the frame :param NEvents: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of generated showers in CORSIKA :param OverSamplingFactor: *Default* = ``1.0``, Particle oversampling factor :param PrimaryNormalizationCNO: *Default* = ``1.0``, Primary normalization of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PNORM) :param PrimaryNormalizationFe: *Default* = ``1.0``, Primary normalization of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PNORM) :param PrimaryNormalizationH: *Default* = ``1.0``, Primary normalization of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PNORM) :param PrimaryNormalizationHe: *Default* = ``1.0``, Primary normalization of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PNORM) :param PrimaryNormalizationMgAlSi: *Default* = ``1.0``, Primary normalization of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PNORM) :param PrimarySpectralIndexCNO: *Default* = ``-2.0``, Primary spectral index of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PGAM) :param PrimarySpectralIndexFe: *Default* = ``-2.0``, Primary spectral index of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PGAM) :param PrimarySpectralIndexH: *Default* = ``-2.0``, Primary spectral index of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PGAM) :param PrimarySpectralIndexHe: *Default* = ``-2.0``, Primary spectral index of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PGAM) :param PrimarySpectralIndexMgAlSi: *Default* = ``-2.0``, Primary spectral index of generated nuclei (i.e. steering parameter PGAM) :param Spric: *Default* = ``True``, Separate primary energy cutoff (i.e. steering parameter SPRIC) :param ThetaMax: *Default* = ``1.5690509975429023``, Primary cosmic ray maximum zenith angle :param ThetaMin: *Default* = ``0.0``, Primary cosmic ray minimum zenith angle .. js:data:: CorsikaWeightModule ``CorsikaWeightModule`` *(Python I3Module)* Sets TimeScale and FluxSum for unweighted CORSIKA :param CylinderLength: *Default* = ``-1``, Height of Generation Cylinder :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``-1``, Radius of Generation Cylinder :param MCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, Name of MCTree List to get from frame :param Name: *Default* = ``'CorsikaWeightMap'``, Name to give the frame :param NEvents: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of generated showers in CORSIKA :param OverSamplingFactor: *Default* = ``1``, Oversampling factor :param Spric: *Default* = ``True``, Separate primary energy cutoff (i.e. steering parameter SPRIC) :param ThetaMax: *Default* = ``1.5690509975429023``, Primary cosmic ray maximum zenith angle :param ThetaMin: *Default* = ``0.0``, Primary cosmic ray minimum zenith angle .. js:data:: PolygonatoWeightModule ``PolygonatoWeightModule`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param MCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, Name of I3MCTree object in frame :param WeightMapName: *Default* = ``'CorsikaWeightMap'``, Name of object where weights are stored I3Tray segments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: Calibration ``Calibration`` *(I3Tray segment)* I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn't. Fix it. :param BadDOMsHLC: *Default* = ``None``, :param BadDOMsSLC: *Default* = ``None``, .. js:data:: DetectorSegment ``DetectorSegment`` *(I3Tray segment)* Run IC86 detector simulation :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x107ff3560>``, :param gcdfile: *Default* = ``''``, :param mctype: *Default* = ``'corsika_weighted'``, :param MCPESeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, :param detector_label: *Default* = ``'IC86:2012'``, :param runtrigger: *Default* = ``True``, :param filtertrigger: *Default* = ``True``, :param stats: *Default* = ``{}``, :param basicHisto: *Default* = ``False``, :param inice: *Default* = ``True``, :param icetop: *Default* = ``False``, :param genie: *Default* = ``False``, :param prescale: *Default* = ``1``, :param uselineartree: *Default* = ``True``, :param lowmem: *Default* = ``False``, :param BeaconLaunches: *Default* = ``True``, :param TimeShiftSkipKeys: *Default* = ``[]``, :param GeneratedEfficiency: *Default* = ``0.0``, :param SampleEfficiency: *Default* = ``0.0``, :param RunID: *Default* = ``None``, :param KeepMCHits: *Default* = ``False``, :param KeepPropagatedMCTree: *Default* = ``False``, :param KeepMCPulses: *Default* = ``False``, :param EHEApproximation: *Default* = ``False``, :param mdomNoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, :param lom16NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, :param lom18NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, .. js:data:: DetectorSim ``DetectorSim`` *(I3Tray segment)* Read photon-propagated (MCPE) files, simulate noise, PTM response, DOMLaunches, and trigger. :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, the name of a random service to be used by the tank response :param RunID: *Default* = ``None``, Number of run that will be writtend to I3EventHeader :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, path to GCD file to read first :param KeepMCHits: *Default* = ``False``, keep MCPEs in frame :param KeepPropagatedMCTree: *Default* = ``False``, keep MCTree with all in-ice propagated secondaries. These take a lot of space compared un propagated tree. :param KeepMCPulses: *Default* = ``False``, keep I3MCPulseSeriesMap in frame. :param SkipNoiseGenerator: *Default* = ``False``, do not run Vuvuzela. :param LowMem: *Default* = ``False``, reduce peak memory use by repeatedly merging hits as they are generated. WARNING: Use of this option may slightly reduce precision and drastically increase running time. It is potentially useful for very bright events, and probably harmful for very long events. :param InputPESeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, name of input I3MCPESeriesMap object. :param BeaconLaunches: *Default* = ``True``, add beacon lauches. :param TimeShiftSkipKeys: *Default* = ``[]``, list of keys that should be time-shifted. Default: shift all Time-like objects. :param FilterTrigger: *Default* = ``True``, remove events that don't pass any trigger. :param EHEApproximation: *Default* = ``False``, Reduces runtime in PMTRS for EHE events. :param mdomNoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, The path to npy files to use for mdom noise simulation (used for Upgrade) :param lom16NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, The path to npy files to use for LOM-16 noise simulation (Used for Upgrade, Gen2) :param lom18NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, The path to npy files to use for LOM-18 noise simulation (Used for Upgrade, Gen2) .. js:data:: GenerateAirShowers ``GenerateAirShowers`` *(I3Tray segment)* Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons) :param Files: *Default* = ``None``, list of CORSIKA files to read :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, path to GCD file to read first :param NEvents: *Default* = ``1``, passed to I3CORSIKAReader (and ignored for CORSIKA files >= v74000, where it is part of the run header) :param OverSampling: *Default* = ``1``, Number of times each shower will be read (each with a different impact location) :param LegacyOverSampling: *Default* = ``False``, :param SimulateIceTop: *Default* = ``True``, simulate IceTop response :param TankResponse: *Default* = ``'param'``, how to simulate IceTop response: 'param' for parameterization, 'g4' for GEANT4 :param KeepMCHits: *Default* = ``False``, keep IceTop MCHits :param CylinderHeight: *Default* = ``1200``, :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``600``, :param RandomService: *Default* = ``'I3RandomService'``, the name of a random service to be used by the tank response :param TrimShower: *Default* = ``True``, remove surface particles from tree :param DropEmptyShowers: *Default* = ``True``, drop showers where no particles reach the observation level .. js:data:: GenerateAtmosphericNeutrinos ``GenerateAtmosphericNeutrinos`` *(I3Tray segment)* Read CORSIKA showers containing neutrinos, and force exactly one neutrino to interact. :param Files: *Default* = ``None``, a list of CORSIKA files to read :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``''``, I3 file with GCD information to read in before the CORSIKA files :param AutoExtendMuonVolume: *Default* = ``False``, allow \nu_{\mu} to interact far before they reach the detector :param EnergyBiasPower: *Default* = ``1``, select a neutrino from the bundle with probability proportional to E^power :param FlavorBias: *Default* = ``[30, 1, 1]``, scale selection probability for \nu_{e}/\nu_{\mu}/\nu_{\tau} by these factors. The default value is appropriate for equal sampling of conventional atmospheric \nu_{e}/\nu_{\mu}. :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``600.0``, radius of upright-cylinder target volume :param CylinderHeight: *Default* = ``1200.0``, full height of simulation volume :param CrossSections: *Default* = ``'csms'``, cross-section tables to use ('cteq5', 'css', or 'csms') :param NEvents: *Default* = ``-1``, :param MakeNeutrino: *Default* = ``True``, .. js:data:: GenerateCosmicRayMuons ``GenerateCosmicRayMuons`` *(I3Tray segment)* Generate atmospheric muons with MuonGun :param mctree_name: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree_preMuonProp'``, :param num_events: *Default* = ``1``, :param flux_model: *Default* = ``'Hoerandel5_atmod12_SIBYLL'``, :param gamma_index: *Default* = ``2.0``, :param energy_offset: *Default* = ``700.0``, :param energy_min: *Default* = ``10000.0``, :param energy_max: *Default* = ``10000000.0``, :param cylinder_length: *Default* = ``1600.0``, :param cylinder_radius: *Default* = ``800.0``, :param cylinder_x: *Default* = ``0.0``, :param cylinder_y: *Default* = ``0.0``, :param cylinder_z: *Default* = ``0.0``, :param inner_cylinder_length: *Default* = ``500.0``, :param inner_cylinder_radius: *Default* = ``150.0``, :param inner_cylinder_x: *Default* = ``46.3``, :param inner_cylinder_y: *Default* = ``-34.9``, :param inner_cylinder_z: *Default* = ``-300.0``, :param use_inner_cylinder: *Default* = ``False``, .. js:data:: GenerateIceTopShowers ``GenerateIceTopShowers`` *(I3Tray segment)* Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons) using topsimulator's injector. :param Files: *Default* = ``None``, list of CORSIKA files to read :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, path to GCD file to read first :param NSamples: *Default* = ``1``, :param TankResponse: *Default* = ``'g4'``, Method used to simulate IceTop response: 'param' for parameterization, 'g4' for GEANT4 :param KeepMCHits: *Default* = ``False``, keep IceTop MCHits (needed only for the PMTSimulator-based simulation) :param x: *Default* = ``0``, x-coordinate of the point around which the CORSIKA origin is randomly placed :param y: *Default* = ``0``, y-coordinate of the point around which the CORSIKA origin is randomly placed :param r: *Default* = ``0``, radius of the circle in which the CORSIKA origin is randomly placed :param ResponseRandomService: *Default* = ``'I3RandomService'``, name of the I3RandomService used for tank response :param InjectorRandomService: *Default* = ``'I3RandomService'``, name of the I3RandomService used for particle injection :param UnthinRadius: *Default* = ``0``, radius of unthinning sampling area :param TankSamplingRadius: *Default* = ``25.0``, the radius around tanks where all particles are considered for propagation (>=UnthinRadius) :param RunID: *Default* = ``0``, the ID to store in the header (normally that of the corsika run) :param RaiseObservationLevel: *Default* = ``0``, :param TrimShower: *Default* = ``True``, remove surface particles from tree that will not hit in-ice volume. (These are removed after IceTop hits are generated) .. js:data:: GenerateNaturalRateMuons ``GenerateNaturalRateMuons`` *(I3Tray segment)* Generate single muons with MuonGun :param mctree_name: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree_preMuonProp'``, :param flux_model: *Default* = ``'GaisserH4a_atmod12_SIBYLL'``, :param Surface: *Default* = ``None``, :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, :param GeometryMargin: *Default* = ``60.0``, :param NumEvents: *Default* = ``100``, .. js:data:: GenerateNeutrinos ``GenerateNeutrinos`` *(I3Tray segment)* I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn't. Fix it. :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param RunID: *Default* = ``None``, :param NumEvents: *Default* = ``100``, :param SimMode: *Default* = ``'Full'``, :param VTXGenMode: *Default* = ``'NuGen'``, :param InjectionMode: *Default* = ``'Surface'``, :param CylinderParams: *Default* = ``[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]``, :param AutoExtendMuonVolume: *Default* = ``True``, :param Flavor: *Default* = ``''``, :param NuTypes: *Default* = ``['NuMu', 'NuMuBar']``, :param PrimaryTypeRatio: *Default* = ``[1, 1]``, :param GammaIndex: *Default* = ``2.0``, :param FromEnergy: *Default* = ``1000.0000000000001``, :param ToEnergy: *Default* = ``10000000.000000002``, :param ZenithRange: *Default* = ``[0, 3.141592653589793]``, :param AzimuthRange: *Default* = ``[0, 6.283185307179586]``, :param UseDifferentialXsection: *Default* = ``True``, :param CrossSections: *Default* = ``'csms_differential_v1.0'``, :param CrossSectionsPath: *Default* = ``None``, :param ZenithSamplingMode: *Default* = ``'ANGEMU'``, :param ParamsMap: *Default* = ``{}``, .. js:data:: ProduceNoiseTriggers ``ProduceNoiseTriggers`` *(I3Tray segment)* ProduceNoiseTriggers: Create events containing only noise and no simulated particle interactions. These are needed for low-energy DeepCore and PINGU simulation due to a lower detector threshold. There are some nuances to this. All events must be long in order to avoid problems at the edge of simulated events where expanding around the triggers could include unsimulated regions in time. All frames are initially 100 ms long. These are triggered, then cut down by CoincidenceAfterProcessing to be more reasonable lengths. :param gcd_file: *Default* = ``None``, The location and name of the GCD file to use :param nevents: *Default* = ``1``, The number of events to simulate. :param run_id: *Default* = ``None``, :param filter_trigger: *Default* = ``True``, :param mdomNoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, :param lom16NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, :param lom18NoisePath: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/*.npy'``, .. js:data:: GenerateSingleMuons ``GenerateSingleMuons`` *(I3Tray segment)* Generate single muons with MuonGun :param Surface: *Default* = ``None``, :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, :param GeometryMargin: *Default* = ``60.0``, :param NumEvents: *Default* = ``100``, :param FromEnergy: *Default* = ``10000.000000000002``, :param ToEnergy: *Default* = ``10000000.000000002``, :param BreakEnergy: *Default* = ``1000.0000000000001``, :param GammaIndex: *Default* = ``2.0``, :param ZenithRange: *Default* = ``[0.0, 3.141592653589793]``, .. js:data:: PropagatePhotons ``PropagatePhotons`` *(I3Tray segment)* This traysegment offers multiple tweaks for adapted processing in different energy ranges, for example GEANT4 in conjunction with Parametrizations for the treatment for lowest energies and a HybridMode with the use of tables for the treatment of high energies. In any case, please refer to the documentation of clsim to find suitable settings for your simulation needs :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x10f701120>``, :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param KeepIndividualMaps: *Default* = ``False``, :param HybridMode: *Default* = ``False``, :param IgnoreMuons: *Default* = ``False``, :param IgnoreCascades: *Default* = ``False``, :param UseGPUs: *Default* = ``False``, :param UseAllCPUCores: *Default* = ``False``, :param KeepSlicedMCTree: *Default* = ``False``, :param IceModel: *Default* = ``'spice_3.2'``, :param CascadeService: *Default* = ``None``, :param IceModelLocation: *Default* = ``None``, :param UseCascadeExtension: *Default* = ``True``, :param UseGeant4: *Default* = ``False``, :param CrossoverEnergyEM: *Default* = ``None``, :param CrossoverEnergyHadron: *Default* = ``None``, :param DOMEfficiency: *Default* = ``1.0``, :param DOMOversizeFactor: *Default* = ``5.0``, :param HoleIceParameterization: *Default* = ``'/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.h2-50cm'``, :param InputMCTree: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, :param UseI3PropagatorService: *Default* = ``False``, :param OutputPESeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, :param OutputPhotonSeriesName: *Default* = ``None``, .. js:data:: MultiDomEffSample ``MultiDomEffSample`` *(I3Tray segment)* This tray segment allows the downsampling of MCPE maps to perform mutliple dom efficiency simulations :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param GeneratedEfficiency: *Default* = ``None``, :param SampleEfficiencies: *Default* = ``[0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1.089, 1.1979]``, :param InputSeriesName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, :param DeleteOriginalSeries: *Default* = ``True``, :param OverwriteOriginalSeries: *Default* = ``False``, .. js:data:: PPCTraySegment ``PPCTraySegment`` *(I3Tray segment)* PPC Photon Propagation Code TraySegment (supports CUDA/OpenCL) :param UnshadowedFraction: *Default* = ``0.94``, :param DOMEfficiency: *Default* = ``1.0``, :param DOMOversizeFactor: *Default* = ``1``, :param gpulib: *Default* = ``'opencl'``, :param volumecyl: *Default* = ``False``, :param IceModelLocation: *Default* = ``'/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ICEMODEL'``, :param keep_empty_events: *Default* = ``False``, :param HoleIceParameterization: *Default* = ``'/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.h2-50cm'``, :param IceModel: *Default* = ``'Spice3.2.1'``, :param InputMCTree: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, :param MCPESeriesName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, :param UseGPUs: *Default* = ``True``, :param GPU: *Default* = ``None``, :param tempdir: *Default* = ``None``, .. js:data:: PolyplopiaMergePEs ``PolyplopiaMergePEs`` *(I3Tray segment)* This segment can be used to merge background that already contains I3MCPEs. We are reading background MC from a separate file and injecting events to signal (or weighted background) based on a Poisson distribution within the given time window. :param mctype: *Default* = ``'CORSIKA'``, type of signal that we are injecting backgroun onto. Needed to avoid overcounting background. :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, the name of a random service to be used by the tank response :param mctree_name: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, Name of I3MCTree in background file :param separate_coincident_mctree_name: *Default* = ``''``, Name of output bg tree. If empty, background will be added to main tree. :param bgfile: *Default* = ``None``, Name of file containing background with I3MCPEs. :param timewindow: *Default* = ``40000.0``, coincidence time window. :param rate: *Default* = ``nan``, rate of background muons cointained in file. :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x10fe09e40>``, .. js:data:: PolyplopiaPhotons ``PolyplopiaPhotons`` *(I3Tray segment)* I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn't. Fix it. :param mctype: *Default* = ``'CORSIKA'``, :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param RandomServiceForPropagators: *Default* = ``None``, :param mctree_name: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, :param bgfile: *Default* = ``None``, :param GCDFile: *Default* = ``None``, :param IceModel: *Default* = ``'SpiceLea'``, :param IceModelLocation: *Default* = ``'/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/build/clsim/resources/ice'``, :param timewindow: *Default* = ``40000.0``, :param rate: *Default* = ``nan``, :param GPU: *Default* = ``None``, :param UseGPUs: *Default* = ``True``, :param DOMOversizeFactor: *Default* = ``5``, :param HoleIceParameterization: *Default* = ``'/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.h2-50cm'``, :param Efficiency: *Default* = ``1.0``, :param PhotonSeriesName: *Default* = ``'I3MCPESeriesMap'``, :param PROPOSALParams: *Default* = ``{}``, :param UsePPC: *Default* = ``False``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x10fe09d00>``, .. js:data:: PolyplopiaSegment ``PolyplopiaSegment`` *(I3Tray segment)* There are three scenarios for polyplopia: :param mctype: *Default* = ``'CORSIKA'``, :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param mctree_name: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree_preMuonProp'``, :param separate_coincident_mctree_name: *Default* = ``''``, :param bgfile: *Default* = ``None``, :param timewindow: *Default* = ``40000.0``, :param rate: *Default* = ``nan``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x10f7016c0>``, .. js:data:: PropagateMuons ``PropagateMuons`` *(I3Tray segment)* Propagate muons. :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``None``, :param CylinderLength: *Default* = ``None``, :param SaveState: *Default* = ``True``, :param InputMCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree_preMuonProp'``, :param OutputMCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, .. js:data:: SelectNeutrino ``SelectNeutrino`` *(I3Tray segment)* Select a neutrino to interact, and add neutrino propagators to the context. :param Propagators: *Default* = ``None``, :param AutoExtendMuonVolume: *Default* = ``False``, allow \nu_{\mu} to interact far before they reach the detector :param EnergyBiasPower: *Default* = ``1``, select a neutrino from the bundle with probability proportional to E^power :param FlavorBias: *Default* = ``[30, 1, 1]``, scale selection probability for \nu_{e}/\nu_{\mu}/\nu_{\tau} by these factors. The default value is appropriate for equal sampling of conventional atmospheric \nu_{e}/\nu_{\mu}. :param CylinderRadius: *Default* = ``600.0``, radius of upright-cylinder target volume :param CylinderHeight: *Default* = ``1200.0``, full height of simulation volume :param CrossSections: *Default* = ``'csms'``, cross-section tables to use ('cteq5', 'css', or 'csms')