Project production_histograms ----------------------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.production_histograms`` Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: ProductionHistogramModule ``ProductionHistogramModule`` *(Python I3Module)* This I3Module passes frames to any histograms and histogram modules loaded in the user-defined configuration. :param CollectionName: *Default* = ``None``, Name of the MongoDB collection. :param FilenameList: *Default* = ``None``, List of I3Files passed to I3Reader :param Histograms: *Default* = ``[]``, List of histograms or modules to run. :param If: *Default* = ``. at 0x1002d4220>``, Function that selects frames. :param OutputFilename: *Default* = ``None``, Name of output pickle file. :param PasswordPath: *Default* = ``None``, Path to plain text password file for the DB. :param Prescales: *Default* = ``{'Geometry': 1, 'Calibration': 1, 'DetectorStatus': 1, 'DAQ': 1, 'Physics': 1}``, Dictionary of frame type to prescale