Project paraboloid ------------------ Invoke with: ``import icecube.paraboloid`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3ParaboloidFitter ``"I3ParaboloidFitter"`` *(C++ I3Module)* Evaluate the likelihood on a zenith-azimuth grid near a given track, fit a paraboloid. :param AzimuthReach: *Default* = ``0.17453292519943295``, How far to probe in azimuth. NOTE: Jon and Chad found that for IceCube, this parameter should be set to a much smaller value than the default, for instance 2 degrees. :param GridPointVertexCorrection: *Default* = ``None``, Name of or pointer to seed service to use for vertex corrections done on grid points before trying to refit the vertex. This aims to increase the convergence rate for all fits in the grid. Default behavior (empty string): no vertex correction for grid points. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param LogLikelihood: *Default* = ``None``, Name of or pointer to LogLikelihood service to use :param MaxMissingGridPoints: *Default* = ``0``, For each point at the paraboloid grid, the vertex isrefitted. If that fit fails (minimizer does not converge)then this causes a missing grid point. A workaround isto use just the likelihood value of the seed grid point(seed track with direction of grid point). With thisconfiguration parameter you specify how many grid pointswith such a workaround are allowed before declaring theparaboloid fit a failure. Set it to -1 for unlimited pointswith workarounds. Default is 0 (no workarounds, paraboloidfails when any grid point fit does not converge). :param MCTruthName: *Default* = ``''``, Name of the MC list or tree. Default: no MC comparison. :param Minimizer: *Default* = ``None``, Name of or pointer to minimizer service to use. If this option is left empty (or if the VertexStepSize option is set to zero), then NO vertex refitting will be done at the paraboloid grid points. This makes the paraboloid fit much faster, but also probably less accurate. :param NumberOfSamplingPoints: *Default* = ``8``, Nr of sampling points ( FIXME: better description) :param NumberOfSteps: *Default* = ``3``, Number of steps (FIXME: better description) :param OutputName: *Default* = ``''``, Name of the output I3Particle, and prefix for any fit parameter frame objects :param SeedService: *Default* = ``None``, Name of or pointer to seed service :param VertexStepSize: *Default* = ``10.0``, Stepsize for vertex optimization at each gridpoint If this option is set to zero (or if the Minimizer option is left empty), then NO vertex refitting will be done at the paraboloid grid points. This makes the paraboloid fit much faster, but also probably less accurate. :param ZenithReach: *Default* = ``0.17453292519943295``, How far to probe in zenith. NOTE: Jon and Chad found that for IceCube, this parameter should be set to a much smaller value than the default, for instance 2 degrees.