Project lilliput ---------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.lilliput`` C++ ServiceFactorys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3BasicSeedServiceFactory ``"I3BasicSeedServiceFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* This class installs a I3BasicSeedService. :param AddAlternatives: *Default* = ``'None'``, Add simple alternative seeds for each first guess;argument is a string; possibilities: "None" (default,no alternatives), "Reverse" (add a track the samevertex in the opposite direction), "Cubic" (add 5more tracks: the track and four perpendicular tracks). :param AltTimeShiftType: *Default* = ``'TFirst'``, This option is only relevant if you configure 'alternative seeds' (add e.g. reverse fg guess track). You may want to have different vertex tweaking for the original seed and the alternative seeds: if the first guess is the result of some LLH then you don't want to do any vertex tweaking on that, but the alternative seeds are probably worthless without vertex tweaking. :param ChargeFraction: *Default* = ``0.9``, If you use the "TChargeFraction" or "TDirectChargeFraction" vertex time correction method, then you can configure with this option the fraction of the charge that should have a *positive* time residual. :param FirstGuess: *Default* = ``''``, Names of result of first guess module. :param FirstGuesses: *Default* = ``[]``, Names of results of several first guess modules. :param FixedEnergy: *Default* = ``nan``, Most FG methods do not provide an energy estimate, with this option you can give the energy some reasonable starting value. NOTE(0): 'Fixed' refers to the seed energy always being the same value, independent of any event variales (e.g. on NCh). So you *can* use this option if you actually want to fit the energy: you configure that in the parametrization service, not in the seed service. NOTE(1): You cannot set both this option and the NChEnergyGuessPolynomial option. NOTE(2): If the FG already gives a value for the energy,then setting the FixedEnergy or NChEnergyGuessPolynomial option will clobber that value. Default: leave FG energy as it is, regardless. :param InputReadout: *Default* = ``''``, Name of hits/pulses to use for vertex correction (leave empty if you don't want any corrections) :param MaxMeanTimeResidual: *Default* = ``1000.0``, This option only has effect if you set TimeShift to "TFirst": Occasionally an event has a weird little early cluster of hits; that would totally sabotage this time correction. Hence for this correction hits with a tres less than [optionvalue] below the mean are ignored; in other words, it is guaranteed that *after* the time correction, the mean time residual is between 0 and [optionvalue]. if you don't want this, set this option to NAN or a negative time. :param NChEnergyGuessPolynomial: *Default* = ``[]``, Most FG methods do not provide an energy estimate,with this option you can fix the energy value. Theargument to this option should be vector of floats (useproper units, e.g. I3Units.GeV)), which will be used toobtain an energy estimate from NCh, via a polynomial: log10(E/GeV) = p0+p1*x+p2*x*x+... with x=log(NCh). You can get the efficients p0, p1, p2... from a fit to a profile plot of log10(MCLeadMuon/GeV):log10(NHits). For instance, for IC80 it seems that [3.627338, 0.299288, 0.437605] works well. NOTE(1): You cannot set both this option and the FixedEnergy option. NOTE(2): If the FG already gives a value for the energy,then setting the FixedEnergy or NChEnergyGuessPolynomial option will clobber that value. Default: leave FG energy as it is, regardless. :param OnlyAlternatives: *Default* = ``False``, If set to true: use *only* the alternative seeds, omit the seeds that are directly based on the input tracks or first guesses. :param PositionShiftType: *Default* = ``'COG'``, Indicate how you'd like the vertex *position* of the fg corrected. Currently this is only relevant for infinite muon tracks, for other I3Particle shapes the vertex position from the first guess is taken as is. For infinite muons, if you provide an InputReadout, then the vertex position of an infinite track is by default (option value "COG") shifted along the track to the closest point to the COG of the hits/pulses. Setting this option to "None" or empty string will disable the correction of the vertex position. :param SpeedPolice: *Default* = ``True``, By default, the basic seed service will force the speed of infinite tracks to be 1.0c and that of cascades to be 0. If you would like to keep the speed value as provided by the first guess (e.g. linefit sets a nontrivial speed value since release V02-00-07), then set this flag to False. :param TimeShiftType: *Default* = ``'TMean'``, Indicate how you'd like the vertex *time* of the fg corrected: such that mean or minimum time residual of the hits/pulses is zero (use "TMean" or "TFirst", resp.), or no correction at all ("TNone"). There are two *new* vertex time methods: "TChargeFraction" and "TDirectChargeFraction".The former chooses the vertex such that some (configurable) charge-weighted fraction of all pulses has a positive time residual, the latter does the same but using only the first hit/pulse in every DOM. What's best depends both on the detector (AMANDA or IceCube) and on the first guess, e.g.: DirectWalk first guess: TNone; linefit first guess for AMANDA: TMean; linefit first guess for IceCube: TFirst. .. js:data:: I3GSLMultiMinFactory ``"I3GSLMultiMinFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param Algorithm: *Default* = ``'vector_bfgs2'``, GSL multimin algorithm to use (one of: "conjugate_fr", "conjugate_pr", "vector_bfgs", "vector_bfgs2" or "steepest_descent"). :param GradnormTolerance: *Default* = ``0.001``, gradient normalization tolerance :param InitialStepsize: *Default* = ``1.0``, Correction factor for the step sizes given by the parameterization. You should probably leave this at 1 and change the parameterization configuration if you want different step sizes. :param LinesearchTolerance: *Default* = ``0.1``, linesearch tolerance :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``1000``, Maximum number of iterations (may be overridden by calling module) .. js:data:: I3GSLSimplexFactory ``"I3GSLSimplexFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param BackwardTMP: *Default* = ``False``, TEMPORARY: the GSL simplex wrapper used to ignore parameter boundaries. Now they are actually taken into account. Set this option to True if you want the old behavior (for debugging and testing). THIS OPTION WILL BE REMOVED. :param FlatPatience: *Default* = ``0``, Maximum number of iterations with identical function value. In case of a bad seed, simplex might not find any hypothesis were at least one of the hits has a likelihood better than the noise likelihood. Instead of searching the full number of iterations you can save some time by specifying the max number of iterations to try on such a 'flat' likelihood space. If you set this to zero, then simplex will search the full number of iterations as set with the MaxIterations configuration parameter. :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``10000``, Maximum number of iterations (may be overridden by calling module) :param SimplexTolerance: *Default* = ``0.1``, The regular tolerance represents an estimate for the difference between the numerically found minimum and the true minimum. The simplex algorithm defines another tolerance value, namely the size of the simplex: average distance from the geometrical center of the simplex to all its vertices, measured in numbers of stepsizes. This is used for an additional convergence criterion; with this option you can set the maximum value of the simplex size. :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``0.1``, Tolerance for minimum (may be overridden by calling module). See also 'SimplexTolerance' .. js:data:: I3GulliverAnnealingFactory ``"I3GulliverAnnealingFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``10000``, Maximum number of iterations (may be overridden by calling module) :param NCyclesEps: *Default* = ``5``, NCyclesEps: Number of temperature cycles the function value has to stay within the tolerance limits for termination :param Quenchingfactor: *Default* = ``0.5``, Quenchingfactor: If you don't know what it is, don't change it :param SCycle: *Default* = ``20``, SCycle: If you don't know what it is, don't change it :param ShiftBoundariesAroundStart: *Default* = ``False``, Shift the boundaries from the Parameterization to be around the start value. :param StartTemp: *Default* = ``10000.0``, Start Temperature: If you don't know what it is, don't change it :param TCycle: *Default* = ``5``, TCycle: If you don't know what it is, don't change it :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``1e-05``, Annealing tolerance (convergence criterion) .. js:data:: I3GulliverLBFGSBFactory ``"I3GulliverLBFGSBFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param GradientTolerance: *Default* = ``0.001``, Terminate if the magnitude of the largest gradient element (times the step size) is smaller than this. :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``1000``, Terminate if the number of function iterations exceeds this limit. :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``0.001``, Terminate if the last iteration improved the minimum value by less than Tolerance. Recommended values are 1e-14/1e-8/1e-3 for high/moderate/low precision. .. js:data:: I3GulliverMNFactory ``"I3GulliverMNFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param ConstEff: *Default* = ``False``, Run in constant efficiency mode? :param Efficiency: *Default* = ``1.0``, Required efficiency of minimization :param Feedback: *Default* = ``False``, need feedback on standard output? :param FeedbackInterval: *Default* = ``100``, After how many iteration feedback is required. :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``0``, If zero, no boundaries :param MaxModes: *Default* = ``100``, expected max no. of modes (used only for memory allocation) :param ModeSeparatedParams: *Default* = ``[]``, Names of parameters that shall be mode-separated :param ModeSeparation: *Default* = ``True``, Do Nested Importance Sampling? :param NIS: *Default* = ``False``, Do Nested Importance Sampling? :param NLive: *Default* = ``250``, Number of live points :param PeriodicParams: *Default* = ``[]``, Names of parameters that are periodic, e.g. Azimuth. :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``1.0``, Tolerance of minimization .. js:data:: I3GulliverMinuitFactory ``"I3GulliverMinuitFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param Algorithm: *Default* = ``'SIMPLEX'``, Minimization algorithm (SIMPLEX or MIGRAD) :param FlatnessCheck: *Default* = ``True``, Flag to check, after minimization, whether really a minimum was found or that TMinuit just gave up because it saw no variation in the likelihood function. In case of flatness, non-convergence will be reported. If you set this flag to False, then whatever TMinuit claims as a converged minimization result will be accepted, no flatness check is done. :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``10000``, Maximum number of iterations (may be overridden by calling module) :param MinuitPrintLevel: *Default* = ``-2``, Configure noisiness of minuit. -2 is as quiet as possible. :param MinuitStrategy: *Default* = ``2``, Configure strategy of minuit. Strategy 2 means: optimize for accuracy rather than speed. :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``0.1``, Tolerance for minimum (may be overridden by calling module) .. js:data:: I3GulliverNLoptFactory ``"I3GulliverNLoptFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param Algorithm: *Default* = ``'LN_BOBYQA'``, Name of the minimization algorithm to use. :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``10000``, Stop iteration when the number of iterations reaches this number :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``0.001``, Stop iteration when the parameters change by less than this relative amount .. js:data:: I3HalfSphereParametrizationFactory ``"I3HalfSphereParametrizationFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param DirectionStepsize: *Default* = ``0.3``, Stepsize for direction, should be positive. :param LogEnergyStepsize: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for log10(E), should be >=0 (if 0, then energy remains fixed). :param TimeStepsize: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for vertex time, should be >=0 (if 0, then the vertex time remains fixed). :param VertexStepsize: *Default* = ``30.0``, Stepsize for (x,y,z), should be >=0 (if 0, then the vertex position remains fixed). .. js:data:: I3SimpleParametrizationFactory ``"I3SimpleParametrizationFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param BoundsAzimuth: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the azimuth angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsAzimuth :param BoundsLinE: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the energy (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinE :param BoundsLinL: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the length (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinL :param BoundsLogE: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogE :param BoundsLogL: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogL :param BoundsSpeed: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsSpeed :param BoundsT: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the vertex time Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsT :param BoundsX: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the X coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsX :param BoundsY: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Y coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsY :param BoundsZ: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Z coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZ :param BoundsZenith: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the zenith angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZenith :param ParticleTrace: *Default* = ``False``, If enabled, store the seed particle and the list of all I3Particle objects created during a fit (converted from parameter values generated by the minimizer) and make this available as 'Diagnostics' information. The generic fitter modules I3SimpleFitter and I3IterativeFitter will store this information. See resources/examples/ for an example. This functionality is complementary to gulliver's lower level tracing. :param RelativeBoundsAzimuth: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for azimuth angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsAzimuth) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 135*, then the fit boundaries will be [125*,145*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsLinE: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for energy (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*I3Units.TeV,+10*I3Units.TeV] here, and for some event the seed value is 25*I3Units.TeV, then the fit boundaries will be [15*I3Units.TeV,35*I3Units.TeV], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsLinL: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for length (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-100*I3Units.m,+100*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 250*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [150*I3Units.m,350*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsLogE: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 3, then the fit boundaries will be [2.5,3.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsLogL: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 2, then the fit boundaries will be [1.5,2.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsSpeed: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsSpeed) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns,+0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 0.239834*I3Units.m/ns, then the fit boundaries will be [0.209855*I3Units.m/ns,0.269813*I3Units.m/ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsT: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for vertex time, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsT) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.ns,+200*I3Units.ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 10000*I3Units.ns, then the fit boundaries will be [9800*I3Units.ns,10200*I3Units.ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsX: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for X coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsX) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsY: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for Y coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsY) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsZ: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for Z coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZ) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param RelativeBoundsZenith: *Default* = ``[0.0, 0.0]``, Lower&upper (relative) limits for zenith angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZenith) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 75*, then the fit boundaries will be [65*,85*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes. :param StepAzimuth: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for azimuth angle :param StepLinE: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for energy (linear parametrization) :param StepLinL: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for length (linear parametrization) :param StepLogE: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization) :param StepLogL: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization) :param StepSpeed: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles) :param StepT: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for vertex time :param StepX: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for X coordinate of the vertex position :param StepY: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for Y coordinate of the vertex position :param StepZ: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for Z coordinate of the vertex position :param StepZenith: *Default* = ``0.0``, Stepsize for zenith angle :param VertexMode: *Default* = ``''``, For contained tracks, the xyz parameters are by default associated with the starting point position, but in some cases you might want to prefer that it is the stopping position. One use case is is to fit the length (and/or direction) with a fixed stop point (rather than a fixed start point). In that case you would configure "Stop" here, and choose the xyz stepsizes zero and the stepsize of length (and/or direction) nonzero. Then the start point is computed from the stop point, the length and the direction, while the stop point remains the same as the stop point of the seed. To select the start point, or for non- ContainedTrack fits, use the default (empty string or "Default"). .. js:data:: I3TestLikelihoodFactory ``"I3TestLikelihoodFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param HasGradient: *Default* = ``True``, If value to be returened if queried about gradient :param LikelihoodValue: *Default* = ``nan``, This is the LLH to be returned :param Multiplicity: *Default* = ``1``, This is the multiplicty of the event :param SetDiagnostics: *Default* = ``False``, If true diagnostics will be returned .. js:data:: I3TestMinimizerFactory ``"I3TestMinimizerFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param FillParameterErrors: *Default* = ``True``, If true, the result errors will be filled with an error of 1 :param FillParameters: *Default* = ``True``, If true, the result parameters will be filled with the initial parameters :param IsConverged: *Default* = ``True``, The convergence returned will be whatever you set here :param MaxIterations: *Default* = ``0.1``, Tolerance for minimum (may be overridden by calling module) :param SetDiagnostics: *Default* = ``False``, If true, the diagnostics_ field will be filled with the number 42 :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``10000``, Maximum number of iterations (may be overridden by calling module) :param ValueToReturn: *Default* = ``nan``, This will be the minVal_ in the I3MinimizerResult .. js:data:: I3TestParametrizationFactory ``"I3TestParametrizationFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param SetDiagnostics: *Default* = ``False``, If true diagnostics will be returned :param SetNonStd: *Default* = ``False``, If true a nonstd will be added to the hypothesis I3Tray segments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3IterativePandelFitter ``I3IterativePandelFitter`` *(I3Tray segment)* Run an iterative Pandel Fit. :param fitname: *Default* = ``''``, :param pulses: *Default* = ``'OfflinePulses'``, :param n_iterations: *Default* = ``4``, :param minimizer: *Default* = ``None``, :param parametrization: *Default* = ``None``, :param seeds: *Default* = ``[]``, :param domllh: *Default* = ``'SPE1st'``, :param tstype: *Default* = ``'TFirst'``, :param noiserate: *Default* = ``1e-08``, :param If: *Default* = ``None``, .. js:data:: I3ParaboloidPandelFitter ``I3ParaboloidPandelFitter`` *(I3Tray segment)* Run a Paraboloid fit with a Pandel likelihood. :param fitname: *Default* = ``''``, :param pulses: *Default* = ``'OfflinePulses'``, :param minimizer: *Default* = ``None``, :param parametrization: *Default* = ``None``, :param inputtrack: *Default* = ``None``, :param domllh: *Default* = ``'SPE1st'``, :param input_tstype: *Default* = ``'TFirst'``, :param grid_tstype: *Default* = ``'TFirst'``, :param noiserate: *Default* = ``1e-08``, :param If: *Default* = ``None``, .. js:data:: I3SinglePandelFitter ``I3SinglePandelFitter`` *(I3Tray segment)* Run a single Pandel fit. :param fitname: *Default* = ``''``, :param pulses: *Default* = ``'OfflinePulses'``, :param seeds: *Default* = ``[]``, :param minimizer: *Default* = ``None``, :param parametrization: *Default* = ``None``, :param domllh: *Default* = ``'SPE1st'``, :param tstype: *Default* = ``'TFirst'``, :param noiserate: *Default* = ``1e-08``, :param If: *Default* = ``None``,