Project icepick --------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.icepick`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3AndFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AndFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3AndServices ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AndServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param ServicesToAnd: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to AND together .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3AzimuthWindowFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param AzimuthMax: *Default* = ``1.75``, The maximum azimuth angle that below which events are selected :param AzimuthMin: *Default* = ``1.22``, The minimum azimuth angle that above which events are selected :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AzimuthWindowFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3DOMLaunchTriggerTypeFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3DOMLaunchTriggerTypeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param Names: *Default* = ``[]``, Names specifying DOM launch series maps to check for .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3DoubleFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3DoubleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param I3DoubleObject: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the input I3Double object :param MaximumValue: *Default* = ``10000000000.0``, Maximum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=1.0e10] :param MinimumValue: *Default* = ``-10000000000.0``, Minimum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=-1.0e10] .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3EventIdFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventIdFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, The event to be selected. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3EventIdRangeFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventIdRangeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param FirstEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The first event to be selected. :param LastEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The last event to be selected. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3EventTimeFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventTimeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param EventTimes: *Default* = ``''``, The event times to be deselected. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3FitSucceededFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3FitSucceededFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DidNotSucceed: *Default* = ``False``, Keep the events where the fit did NOT succeed? :param Fitname: *Default* = ``''``, The fit to be checked. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3FrameObjectFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3FrameObjectFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DisplayWarning: *Default* = ``False``, Should I3FrameObjectFilter display a warning for each rejected frame :param FrameObjectKey: *Default* = ``''``, I3FrameObjectFilter will accept the frame if an object with this name is present or... :param FrameObjectKeyStartsWith: *Default* = ``''``, ...if an object name starts with this string .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3InverseFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3InverseFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DefaultInputDecision: *Default* = ``True``, The boolean value that is used if "InputDecisionName" does not exist in frame :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame for which you want the inverse. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3InverseServices ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3InverseServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param ServiceToInvert: *Default* = ``''``, The icepick service in the context to invert .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3LDirFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LDirFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param LDir: *Default* = ``300.0``, The LDir threshold that an event's must exceed to be kept .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3LogicalOrFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LogicalOrFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param FirstDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the first decision in the frame. :param SecondDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the second decision in the frame. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3NChFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NChFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param NCh: *Default* = ``200``, The number of channels that an event must have to be kept .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3NDirFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NDirFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param NDir: *Default* = ``5``, The number of direct hits that an event must have to be kept .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3NHitChannelFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NHitChannelFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxThreshold: *Default* = ``2147483647``, The Maximum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param MinThreshold: *Default* = ``0``, The Minimum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param ResponseKey: *Default* = ``'response'``, Name of the response in the frame .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3NLaunchFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CountWhat: *Default* = ``'doms'``, count 'doms','tanks','stations' or 'strings'? :param DataReadoutName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NLaunchFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxNlaunch: *Default* = ``-1``, :param MinNLaunch: *Default* = ``0``, :param OnlyStrings: *Default* = ``[]``, List of strings to use (empty=>all) .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3OrFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3OrFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3OrServices ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3OrServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param ServicesToOr: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to OR together .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3PickRawNHitEventFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PickRawNHitEventFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DOMlaunchSource: *Default* = ``0``, Select Source of DOMlaunch: InIce (1), IceTop (2), or both (any other integer) :param HitThresholdHigh: *Default* = ``1000000``, Number of maximum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdLow: *Default* = ``1``, Number of minimum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdType: *Default* = ``1``, HitThreshold Selection Type: choose high (2), low (0) or between (1) (Default = 1) :param IceTopDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'IceTopRawData'``, Name of the Ice Top DOM Launch series map to count hits for :param InIceDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, Name of the in Ice DOM Launch series map to count hits for .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3PrescaleFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PrescaleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param PrescaleFactor: *Default* = ``1``, Prescale factor N for sampling: each Nth event is kept. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3RandomFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RandomFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param Prescale: *Default* = ``1``, Determines the fraction of selected events :param Seed: *Default* = ``1``, Seed for a local random function used for prescaling :param UseRandomService: *Default* = ``False``, Use random service for prescaling instead of a local random function .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3RecoPulseFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RecoPulseFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param FrameKey: *Default* = ``'InitialPulseSeriesReco'``, Key in the frame to find the I3RecoPulseSeries :param MaxChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MaxNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3RunIdEventIdFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RunIdEventIdFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector EventIDs of the event to be selected. :param RunIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of RunIDs of the events to be selected. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3SimpleFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SimpleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame on which to filter. .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3SkipNEventFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SkipNEventFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param SkipNevents: *Default* = ``0``, Number of events you want to skip with this filter .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3SoftwareTriggerFlagsFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SoftwareTriggerFlagsFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param TriggerFlagsName: *Default* = ``'F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags'``, Name of the F2k Software trigger flags in the frame(default='F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags') :param TriggersToFilter: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of Trigger names that are to be kept in the stream (default='') .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3TriggerSatisfiedFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerSatisfiedFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param Source: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger source :param TriggerHierarchyName: *Default* = ``'TriggerHierarchy'``, :param Type: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger type .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3UnFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3UnFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3ZenithFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3ZenithFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxZenith: *Default* = ``3.141592653589793``, The zenith angle that above which events are cut :param MinZenith: *Default* = ``0.0``, The zenith angle that below which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3AndFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AndFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3AndServices ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AndServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ServicesToAnd: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to AND together :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3AzimuthWindowFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param AzimuthMax: *Default* = ``1.75``, The maximum azimuth angle that below which events are selected :param AzimuthMin: *Default* = ``1.22``, The minimum azimuth angle that above which events are selected :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3AzimuthWindowFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3DOMLaunchTriggerTypeFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3DOMLaunchTriggerTypeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param Names: *Default* = ``[]``, Names specifying DOM launch series maps to check for :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3DoubleFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3DoubleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param I3DoubleObject: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the input I3Double object :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaximumValue: *Default* = ``10000000000.0``, Maximum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=1.0e10] :param MinimumValue: *Default* = ``-10000000000.0``, Minimum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=-1.0e10] :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3EventIdFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventIdFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, The event to be selected. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3EventIdRangeFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventIdRangeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param FirstEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The first event to be selected. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param LastEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The last event to be selected. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3EventTimeFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3EventTimeFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param EventTimes: *Default* = ``''``, The event times to be deselected. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3FitSucceededFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3FitSucceededFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DidNotSucceed: *Default* = ``False``, Keep the events where the fit did NOT succeed? :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param Fitname: *Default* = ``''``, The fit to be checked. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3FrameObjectFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3FrameObjectFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param DisplayWarning: *Default* = ``False``, Should I3FrameObjectFilter display a warning for each rejected frame :param FrameObjectKey: *Default* = ``''``, I3FrameObjectFilter will accept the frame if an object with this name is present or... :param FrameObjectKeyStartsWith: *Default* = ``''``, ...if an object name starts with this string :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3InverseFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3InverseFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DefaultInputDecision: *Default* = ``True``, The boolean value that is used if "InputDecisionName" does not exist in frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame for which you want the inverse. :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3InverseServices ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3InverseServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ServiceToInvert: *Default* = ``''``, The icepick service in the context to invert :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3LDirFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LDirFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param LDir: *Default* = ``300.0``, The LDir threshold that an event's must exceed to be kept :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3LogicalOrFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LogicalOrFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param FirstDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the first decision in the frame. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param SecondDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the second decision in the frame. :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3NChFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NChFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NCh: *Default* = ``200``, The number of channels that an event must have to be kept :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3NDirFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NDirFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NDir: *Default* = ``5``, The number of direct hits that an event must have to be kept :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3NHitChannelFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NHitChannelFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxThreshold: *Default* = ``2147483647``, The Maximum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param MinThreshold: *Default* = ``0``, The Minimum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ResponseKey: *Default* = ``'response'``, Name of the response in the frame :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3NLaunchFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CountWhat: *Default* = ``'doms'``, count 'doms','tanks','stations' or 'strings'? :param DataReadoutName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3NLaunchFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxNlaunch: *Default* = ``-1``, :param MinNLaunch: *Default* = ``0``, :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param OnlyStrings: *Default* = ``[]``, List of strings to use (empty=>all) :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3OrFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3OrFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3OrServices ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3OrServices'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ServicesToOr: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to OR together :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3PickRawNHitEventFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PickRawNHitEventFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param DOMlaunchSource: *Default* = ``0``, Select Source of DOMlaunch: InIce (1), IceTop (2), or both (any other integer) :param HitThresholdHigh: *Default* = ``1000000``, Number of maximum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdLow: *Default* = ``1``, Number of minimum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdType: *Default* = ``1``, HitThreshold Selection Type: choose high (2), low (0) or between (1) (Default = 1) :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param IceTopDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'IceTopRawData'``, Name of the Ice Top DOM Launch series map to count hits for :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InIceDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, Name of the in Ice DOM Launch series map to count hits for :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3PrescaleFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PrescaleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param PrescaleFactor: *Default* = ``1``, Prescale factor N for sampling: each Nth event is kept. :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3RandomFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RandomFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Prescale: *Default* = ``1``, Determines the fraction of selected events :param Seed: *Default* = ``1``, Seed for a local random function used for prescaling :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. :param UseRandomService: *Default* = ``False``, Use random service for prescaling instead of a local random function .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3RecoPulseFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RecoPulseFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param FrameKey: *Default* = ``'InitialPulseSeriesReco'``, Key in the frame to find the I3RecoPulseSeries :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MaxNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3RunIdEventIdFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RunIdEventIdFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector EventIDs of the event to be selected. :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param RunIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of RunIDs of the events to be selected. :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3SimpleFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SimpleFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame on which to filter. :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3SkipNEventFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SkipNEventFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param SkipNevents: *Default* = ``0``, Number of events you want to skip with this filter :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3SoftwareTriggerFlagsFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3SoftwareTriggerFlagsFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. :param TriggerFlagsName: *Default* = ``'F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags'``, Name of the F2k Software trigger flags in the frame(default='F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags') :param TriggersToFilter: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of Trigger names that are to be kept in the stream (default='') .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3TriggerSatisfiedFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerSatisfiedFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Source: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger source :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. :param TriggerHierarchyName: *Default* = ``'TriggerHierarchy'``, :param Type: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger type .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3UnFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3UnFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3ZenithFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3ZenithFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxZenith: *Default* = ``3.141592653589793``, The zenith angle that above which events are cut :param MinZenith: *Default* = ``0.0``, The zenith angle that below which events are cut :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3LogicalOrTestModule ``I3LogicalOrTestModule`` *(Python I3Module)* ** :param FirstEventID: *Default* = ``None``, :param SecondEventID: *Default* = ``None``, C++ ServiceFactorys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3AndFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3AndServices ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param ServicesToAnd: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to AND together .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3AzimuthWindowFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param AzimuthMax: *Default* = ``1.75``, The maximum azimuth angle that below which events are selected :param AzimuthMin: *Default* = ``1.22``, The minimum azimuth angle that above which events are selected :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3DOMLaunchTriggerTypeFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param Names: *Default* = ``[]``, Names specifying DOM launch series maps to check for :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3DoubleFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param I3DoubleObject: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the input I3Double object :param MaximumValue: *Default* = ``10000000000.0``, Maximum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=1.0e10] :param MinimumValue: *Default* = ``-10000000000.0``, Minimum value of I3Double for event to be kept [default=-1.0e10] :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3EventIdFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, The event to be selected. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3EventIdRangeFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param FirstEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The first event to be selected. :param LastEventId: *Default* = ``0``, The last event to be selected. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3EventTimeFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param EventTimes: *Default* = ``''``, The event times to be deselected. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3FitSucceededFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DidNotSucceed: *Default* = ``False``, Keep the events where the fit did NOT succeed? :param Fitname: *Default* = ``''``, The fit to be checked. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3FrameObjectFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DisplayWarning: *Default* = ``False``, Should I3FrameObjectFilter display a warning for each rejected frame :param FrameObjectKey: *Default* = ``''``, I3FrameObjectFilter will accept the frame if an object with this name is present or... :param FrameObjectKeyStartsWith: *Default* = ``''``, ...if an object name starts with this string :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3InverseFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DefaultInputDecision: *Default* = ``True``, The boolean value that is used if "InputDecisionName" does not exist in frame :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame for which you want the inverse. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3InverseServices ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param ServiceToInvert: *Default* = ``''``, The icepick service in the context to invert .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3LDirFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param LDir: *Default* = ``300.0``, The LDir threshold that an event's must exceed to be kept :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3LogicalOrFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param FirstDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the first decision in the frame. :param SecondDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the second decision in the frame. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3NChFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param NCh: *Default* = ``200``, The number of channels that an event must have to be kept :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3NDirFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the I3CutValues object in the frame :param NDir: *Default* = ``5``, The number of direct hits that an event must have to be kept :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3NHitChannelFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param MaxThreshold: *Default* = ``2147483647``, The Maximum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param MinThreshold: *Default* = ``0``, The Minimum number of hit channels required to allow the event :param ResponseKey: *Default* = ``'response'``, Name of the response in the frame :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3NLaunchFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CountWhat: *Default* = ``'doms'``, count 'doms','tanks','stations' or 'strings'? :param DataReadoutName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, :param MaxNlaunch: *Default* = ``-1``, :param MinNLaunch: *Default* = ``0``, :param OnlyStrings: *Default* = ``[]``, List of strings to use (empty=>all) :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3OrFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param InputDecisions: *Default* = ``[]``, The list of frame object names of previous IcePick decisions. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3OrServices ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param ServicesToOr: *Default* = ``[]``, A list of services in the context to OR together .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3PickRawNHitEventFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DOMlaunchSource: *Default* = ``0``, Select Source of DOMlaunch: InIce (1), IceTop (2), or both (any other integer) :param HitThresholdHigh: *Default* = ``1000000``, Number of maximum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdLow: *Default* = ``1``, Number of minimum required hits for an event to select :param HitThresholdType: *Default* = ``1``, HitThreshold Selection Type: choose high (2), low (0) or between (1) (Default = 1) :param IceTopDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'IceTopRawData'``, Name of the Ice Top DOM Launch series map to count hits for :param InIceDOMLaunchSeriesMapName: *Default* = ``'InIceRawData'``, Name of the in Ice DOM Launch series map to count hits for :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3PrescaleFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param PrescaleFactor: *Default* = ``1``, Prescale factor N for sampling: each Nth event is kept. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3RandomFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param Prescale: *Default* = ``1``, Determines the fraction of selected events :param Seed: *Default* = ``1``, Seed for a local random function used for prescaling :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param UseRandomService: *Default* = ``False``, Use random service for prescaling instead of a local random function .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3RecoPulseFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param FrameKey: *Default* = ``'InitialPulseSeriesReco'``, Key in the frame to find the I3RecoPulseSeries :param MaxChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MaxNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``-1.0``, Maximum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinChargePerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum charge per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param MinNHitPerNChannel: *Default* = ``0.0``, Minimum nhit per nchannel that an event can have (Negative values for no filtering on this quantity) :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3RunIdEventIdFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param EventIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector EventIDs of the event to be selected. :param RunIds: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of RunIDs of the events to be selected. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3SimpleFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param InputDecisionName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the decision in the frame on which to filter. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3SkipNEventFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param SkipNevents: *Default* = ``0``, Number of events you want to skip with this filter .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3SoftwareTriggerFlagsFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param TriggerFlagsName: *Default* = ``'F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags'``, Name of the F2k Software trigger flags in the frame(default='F2kSoftwareTriggerFlags') :param TriggersToFilter: *Default* = ``[]``, Vector of Trigger names that are to be kept in the stream (default='') .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3TriggerSatisfiedFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param Source: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger source :param TriggerHierarchyName: *Default* = ``'TriggerHierarchy'``, :param Type: *Default* = ``['*']``, trigger type .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3UnFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3ZenithFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param MaxZenith: *Default* = ``3.141592653589793``, The zenith angle that above which events are cut :param MinZenith: *Default* = ``0.0``, The zenith angle that below which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'Particle'``, Name of the particle in the frame :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer