Project gulliver ---------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.gulliver`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3LogLRatioFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LogLRatioFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxLogLRatio: *Default* = ``3.0``, The maximal difference of the log likelihoods given by the two reconstructions above :param ParticleKey1: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param ParticleKey2: *Default* = ``'bayesianP_1it'``, Name of another likelihood reconstruction that will be subtracted .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3PLogLFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, Name of cut values to read NCh from, if no pulse series is in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PLogLFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxPLogL: *Default* = ``7.5``, The maximal likelihood/(NCh - SubstractFromNCh) above which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param RecoPulseSeries: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the reco pulse series to calculate NCh :param SubstractFromNCh: *Default* = ``2.0``, Substract this value from NCh before the likelihood is divided .. js:data:: I3IceForkModule_I3RLogLFilter ``"I3IceForkModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RLogLFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param MaxRLogL: *Default* = ``9.0``, The maximal reduced likelihood above which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3LogLRatioFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3LogLRatioFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxLogLRatio: *Default* = ``3.0``, The maximal difference of the log likelihoods given by the two reconstructions above :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ParticleKey1: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param ParticleKey2: *Default* = ``'bayesianP_1it'``, Name of another likelihood reconstruction that will be subtracted :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3PLogLFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, Name of cut values to read NCh from, if no pulse series is in the frame :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3PLogLFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxPLogL: *Default* = ``7.5``, The maximal likelihood/(NCh - SubstractFromNCh) above which events are cut :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param RecoPulseSeries: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the reco pulse series to calculate NCh :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. :param SubstractFromNCh: *Default* = ``2.0``, Substract this value from NCh before the likelihood is divided .. js:data:: I3IcePickModule_I3RLogLFilter ``"I3IcePickModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param DecisionName: *Default* = ``'I3RLogLFilter'``, Name of the filter decision in the Frame :param DiscardEvents: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if we're supposed to actually discard events :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InvertFrameOutput: *Default* = ``False``, Set to 'true' if you want the I3Bool that is written to the frame to be 'true' when the event fails the IcePick and 'false' when the event passes the IcePick (as in the old reverse-Pretzian logic). This ONLY affects the frame object output. :param MaxRLogL: *Default* = ``9.0``, The maximal reduced likelihood above which events are cut :param NEventsToPick: *Default* = ``-1``, Number of events to pick. If set to a value other than -1,IceTray will stop processing once after this manyselected events by requesting suspension :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param Streams: *Default* = ``[icetray.I3Frame.Physics]``, Frame stops on which to operate. All other stop types are ignored. C++ ServiceFactorys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3EventLogLikelihoodCombinerFactory ``"I3EventLogLikelihoodCombinerFactory"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param InputLogLikelihoods: *Default* = ``[]``, List of names of event loglikelihood calculation services. :param Multiplicity: *Default* = ``'Max'``, Specify with this option how the likelihood combiner should obtain/define the multiplicity of an event, using one or several of the multiplicity values calculated by the likelihood services. Give either the name of one of the combined likelihood services, or any of the keywords 'Max', 'Min' or 'Sum'. Default is 'Max'. For 'Min' the minimum of the *nonzero* multiplicities will be taken. :param RelativeWeights: *Default* = ``[]``, List of relative weights. This list should be either empty or of the same length as the list of likelihood services. If you leave it empty, then the likelihoods will be weighted with 1.0. .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3LogLRatioFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param MaxLogLRatio: *Default* = ``3.0``, The maximal difference of the log likelihoods given by the two reconstructions above :param ParticleKey1: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param ParticleKey2: *Default* = ``'bayesianP_1it'``, Name of another likelihood reconstruction that will be subtracted :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3PLogLFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param CutValuesKey: *Default* = ``''``, Name of cut values to read NCh from, if no pulse series is in the frame :param MaxPLogL: *Default* = ``7.5``, The maximal likelihood/(NCh - SubstractFromNCh) above which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param RecoPulseSeries: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the reco pulse series to calculate NCh :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer :param SubstractFromNCh: *Default* = ``2.0``, Substract this value from NCh before the likelihood is divided .. js:data:: I3IcePickInstaller_I3RLogLFilter ``"I3IcePickInstaller"`` *(C++ ServiceFactory)* ** :param CacheResults: *Default* = ``False``, For each frame evaluated, write the result to the frame, and check to see if that result exists before evaluating again. :param MaxRLogL: *Default* = ``9.0``, The maximal reduced likelihood above which events are cut :param ParticleKey: *Default* = ``'ipdfGCpandel'``, Name of the likelihood reconstruction :param ServiceName: *Default* = ``''``, Name that the service will have in the context.This is typically redundant... by default, it uses The name of the installer