Project genie_reader -------------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.genie_reader`` Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3GenieSystWeightTracReader ``I3GenieSystWeightTracReader`` *(Python I3Module)* I3GenieSystWeightTracReader module. :param BufferSize: *Default* = ``10000``, How many events to load at a time. Larger numbers will improve speed at the cost of higher memory usage. Default 10000. :param SystWghtDictName: *Default* = ``'I3GenieSystWeightDict'``, Name of the output dictionary with GENIE systematic weights. :param SystWghtFileNameList: *Default* = ``None``, List of names for the GENIE reweight files to use .. js:data:: I3GenieTracReader ``I3GenieTracReader`` *(Python I3Module)* I3GenieTracReader module. :param BufferSize: *Default* = ``1000``, How many events to load at a time. Larger numbers will improve speed at the cost of higher memory usage. Default 1000. :param GenieFileGRooTracker: *Default* = ``''``, Name of the GENIE gRooTracker file to read events from :param GenieFileGST: *Default* = ``''``, Name of the GENIE gst file to read events from :param GenieInfo: *Default* = ``None``, :param GenVolCenter: *Default* = ``I3Position(0,0,0)``, I3Position of generation volume center. :param IceDensity: *Default* = ``5.804604062395718e+30``, Ice density. :param MCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, Name of the output I3MCTree frame object. :param MCWeightDictName: *Default* = ``'I3MCWeightDict'``, Name of the output I3MCWeightDict frame object. :param OutputResultDict: *Default* = ``True``, Choose whether or not to output I3GenieResult. :param RandomService: *Default* = ``'I3RandomService'``, The I3RandomService we are going to use. :param ResultDictName: *Default* = ``'I3GenieResult'``, Name of the output I3GenieResult frame object. I3Tray segments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3GenieReaderSegment ``I3GenieReaderSegment`` *(I3Tray segment)* Reads GENIE Generator variables and then adds systematic weights from GENIE ReWeight. :param GenieFileGST: *Default* = ``''``, :param GenieFileGRooTracker: *Default* = ``''``, :param SystWghtFileNameList: *Default* = ``None``, :param GenieInfo: *Default* = ``None``, :param IceDensity: *Default* = ``5.804604062395718e+30``, :param RandomService: *Default* = ``None``, :param ResultDictName: *Default* = ``'I3GenieResult'``, :param SystWghtDictName: *Default* = ``'I3GenieSystWeightDict'``, :param MCTreeName: *Default* = ``'I3MCTree'``, :param MCWeightDictName: *Default* = ``'I3MCWeightDict'``, :param OutputResultDict: *Default* = ``True``, :param OutputSystWeights: *Default* = ``True``, :param GenVolCenter: *Default* = ``I3Position(0,0,0)``,