Project dst ----------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.dst`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: DSTTestGenerator ``"DSTTestGenerator"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param I3Reco1: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLinefit'``, The First Reconstruction Info :param I3Reco2: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFit'``, The Second Reconstruction Info :param I3Reco2Params: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams'``, The Second Reconstruction Reconstruction Parameters :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InIceRawDataName: *Default* = ``'CleanInIceRawData'``, The InIce DOMLaunch Series Map Name :param NEvents: *Default* = ``10``, number of QFrames to generate :param NSubframes: *Default* = ``1``, number of subframes to generate per QFrame :param PhiBin: *Default* = ``0.017453292519943295``, Size of zenith bin :param RecoSeriesName: *Default* = ``'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco'``, The Reco Hit Series Name :param SubEventStreamName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the SubEvent stream. :param ThetaBin: *Default* = ``0.017453292519943295``, Size of zenith bin :param TriggerName: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerHierarchy'``, The Trigger Name .. js:data:: I3DSTDAQModule13 ``"I3DSTDAQModule13"`` *(C++ I3Module)* I3DSTDAQModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTDAQModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event. :param DSTHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3DSTHeader13'``, Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame :param DSTHeaderPrescale: *Default* = ``1000``, Number of events between DSTHeader13 in frame :param DSTName: *Default* = ``'I3DST13'``, Name of I3DST13 object in frame :param EventHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3EventHeader'``, The Event Header Name :param HealPixNSide: *Default* = ``1024``, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize :param RecoList: *Default* = ``['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit']``, Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookforin decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries) :param TriggerIDList: *Default* = ``[1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102]``, List of Trigger Config IDs to encode .. js:data:: I3DSTExtractor13 ``"I3DSTExtractor13"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param Cut: *Default* = ``True``, Apply quality cuts :param DetectorCenterX: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian x-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterY: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian y-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterZ: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian z-component of center of detector :param DSTHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3DSTHeader13'``, Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame :param DSTName: *Default* = ``'I3DST13'``, Name of I3DST13 object in frame :param EventHeaderName: *Default* = ``'InIceEventHeader'``, The Event Header Name (to add) :param ExtractToFrame: *Default* = ``False``, Should build I3 dataclasses in frame :param FileName: *Default* = ``''``, Name of file to save DST to :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param KeepTriggers: *Default* = ``[1006, 1007, 1011, 102, 21001, 23050, 24002]``, Keep events for which given triggers have fired :param SubEventStreamName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the SubEvent stream. :param TriggerName: *Default* = ``'I3InIceTrigger'``, The Name of the trigger H. (to add) :param WeightMapName: *Default* = ``''``, (optional) Name of weightmap for simulated events :param ZenithHighCut: *Default* = ``3.121592653589793``, Max zenith angle :param ZenithLowCut: *Default* = ``0.02``, Min zenith angle .. js:data:: I3DSTExtractor16 ``"I3DSTExtractor16"`` *(C++ I3Module)* ** :param Cut: *Default* = ``True``, Apply quality cuts :param DetectorCenterX: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian x-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterY: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian y-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterZ: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian z-component of center of detector :param DSTHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3DST16Header'``, Name of I3DSTHeader16 object in frame :param DSTName: *Default* = ``'I3DST16'``, Name of I3DST16 object in frame :param EventHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3EventHeader'``, Event Header Name (to read) :param ExtractToFrame: *Default* = ``False``, Should build I3 dataclasses in frame :param FileName: *Default* = ``''``, Name of file to save DST to :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param KeepTriggers: *Default* = ``[1006, 1007, 1011, 102, 21001, 23050, 24002]``, Keep events for which given triggers have fired :param SubEventStreamName: *Default* = ``''``, The name of the SubEvent stream. :param TriggerName: *Default* = ``'I3InIceTrigger'``, The Name of the trigger H. (to add) :param WeightMapName: *Default* = ``''``, (optional) Name of weightmap for simulated events :param ZenithHighCut: *Default* = ``3.121592653589793``, Max zenith angle :param ZenithLowCut: *Default* = ``0.02``, Min zenith angle .. js:data:: I3DSTModule13 ``"I3DSTModule13"`` *(C++ I3Module)* I3DSTModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event. :param DetectorCenterX: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian x-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterY: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian y-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterZ: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian z-component of center of detector :param DirectHitsTimeRange: *Default* = ``[-15.0, 75.0]``, :param DSTHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3DSTHeader13'``, Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame :param DSTHeaderPrescale: *Default* = ``1000``, Number of events between DSTHeader13 in frame :param DSTName: *Default* = ``'I3DST13'``, Name of I3DST13 object in frame :param DSTRecoName: *Default* = ``'I3DSTReco13'``, Name of I3DSTReco13 object :param EnergyEstimate: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitMuE'``, Name of I3Particle where energy estimate is stored :param EventHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3EventHeader'``, The Event Header Name :param HealPixNSide: *Default* = ``1024``, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize :param I3DirectHitsName: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitDirectHitsBaseC'``, Name of I3DirectHitValues object in frame to use :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param IgnoreDirectHits: *Default* = ``False``, Omit DirectHits info :param LaunchMapSource: *Default* = ``'CleanInIceRawData'``, Name of DOMLaunchSeriesMaps :param LLHFitParamsName: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams'``, I3LogLikelihoodFitParams :param RecoList: *Default* = ``['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit']``, Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookfor in decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries) :param RecoSeriesName: *Default* = ``'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco'``, Name of recoseries map used to compute cut values :param TriggerIDList: *Default* = ``[1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102]``, List of Trigger Config IDs to encode :param TriggerName: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerHierarchy'``, The Trigger Name :param TriggerTimePrescaleServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before adding Trigger times to the DST object. .. js:data:: I3DSTModule16 ``"I3DSTModule16"`` *(C++ I3Module)* I3DSTModule16 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule16 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event. :param DetectorCenterX: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian x-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterY: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian y-component of center of detector :param DetectorCenterZ: *Default* = ``0.0``, cartesian z-component of center of detector :param DirectHitsTimeRange: *Default* = ``[-15.0, 75.0]``, :param DSTHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3DS16THeader'``, Name of I3DSTHeader16 object in frame :param DSTHeaderPrescale: *Default* = ``1000``, Number of events between DSTHeader16 in frame :param DSTName: *Default* = ``'I3DST16'``, Name of I3DST16 object in frame :param EnergyEstimate: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitMuE'``, Name of I3Particle where energy estimate is stored :param EventHeaderName: *Default* = ``'I3EventHeader'``, The Event Header Name :param HealPixNSide: *Default* = ``1024``, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize :param I3DirectHitsName: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitDirectHitsBaseC'``, Name of I3DirectHitValues object in frame to use :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param IgnoreDirectHits: *Default* = ``False``, Omit DirectHits info :param LaunchMapSource: *Default* = ``'CleanInIceRawData'``, Name of DOMLaunchSeriesMaps :param LLHFitParamsName: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams'``, I3LogLikelihoodFitParams :param RecoList: *Default* = ``['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit']``, Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookfor in decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries) :param RecoSeriesName: *Default* = ``'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco'``, Name of recoseries map used to compute cut values :param TriggerIDList: *Default* = ``[1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102]``, List of Trigger Config IDs to encode :param TriggerName: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerHierarchy'``, The Trigger Name :param TriggerTimePrescaleServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before adding Trigger times to the DST object. Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: CheckFrameIndex ``CheckFrameIndex`` *(Python I3Module)* Check that frame order is preserved after buffering :param Check: *Default* = ``False``, Check existing indices I3Tray segments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: ExtractDST ``ExtractDST`` *(I3Tray segment)* Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event. :param dst_output_filename: *Default* = ``'I3DST.hdf5'``, :param dstname: *Default* = ``'I3DST'``, :param simulation: *Default* = ``False``, :param extract_to_frame: *Default* = ``False``, :param remove_filter_stream: *Default* = ``True``, :param cut_data: *Default* = ``False``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x106898a40>``, .. js:data:: ExtractDST13 ``ExtractDST13`` *(I3Tray segment)* Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event. :param dst_output_filename: *Default* = ``'I3DST13.hdf5'``, :param dstname: *Default* = ``'I3DST13'``, :param extract_to_frame: *Default* = ``True``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x106898900>``, .. js:data:: DSTFilter ``DSTFilter`` *(I3Tray segment)* Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event. :param dstname: *Default* = ``'I3DST16'``, :param pulses: *Default* = ``'CleanedMuonPulses'``, :param llh_name: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLlhFit'``, :param linefit_name: *Default* = ``'PoleMuonLinefit'``, :param trigger_name: *Default* = ``'I3TriggerHierarchy'``, :param If: *Default* = `` at 0x106898e00>``, TableIO converters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: TDSTConverter ``icecube.dst.TDSTConverter`` *(TableIO converter)* **