Project cscd-llh ---------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.cscd_llh`` C++ I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: I3CscdLlhModule ``"I3CscdLlhModule"`` *(C++ I3Module)* IceTray module for executing a LLH reconstruction. :param AmpWeightPower: *Default* = ``0.0``, Hits are weighted with an amplitude raised to this power, if "FirstLE" is true. The "amplitude" is Set equal to the number of hits in the RecoHitsSeries for the OM. Typically 0.0 (weight=1 for all hits) or 1.0 (weight=amplitude). :param EnergySeed: *Default* = ``nan``, The starting value for the cascade energy (GeV). :param ExcludedOMs: *Default* = ``[]``, This is a vector of OMs that are to be excluded from contributing to the likelihood. This is necessary for PDFs that need to know about un-hit OMs. :param FirstLE: *Default* = ``True``, If true, use first leading edge with amplitude weight. If false, use all leading edges with no weights. :param HitNoHitDead: *Default* = ``0.05``, The probability that an OM will not register a hit, regardless of the light intensity. :param HitNoHitDistCutoff: *Default* = ``0.5``, Replace the geometrical factor 1/d with 1/(d + d_c) so that it's well-behaved when d is small. :param HitNoHitLambdaAttn: *Default* = ``29.0``, The attenuation length. :param HitNoHitNoise: *Default* = ``0.005``, The probability that an OM will register a hit due to noise. :param HitNoHitNorm: *Default* = ``1.4``, The normalization factor for the expected number of photoelectrons. This is 1.4 (m/GeV) for most reconstructions, but needs to be changed to 40/1000 when reconstructing the direction. :param HitNoHitSmallProb: *Default* = ``1e-40``, The minimum probability (a small positive definite number.) :param IcePickServiceKey: *Default* = ``''``, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames. :param If: *Default* = ``None``, A python function... if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn't :param InputType: *Default* = ``'RecoHit'``, Type of input hits. Options are "RecoHit" and "RecoPulse" :param Legendre Coefficient 0: *Default* = ``4.364``, The zeroth coefficient for the legendre polynomial :param Legendre Coefficient 1: *Default* = ``2.566``, The first coefficient for the legendre polynomial :param Legendre Coefficient 2: *Default* = ``2.0``, The second coefficient for the legendre polynomial :param MaxCalls: *Default* = ``50000``, Maximum number of function calls after which minimizer will stop, even if it has not yet converged. :param MinHits: *Default* = ``10``, Minimum number of hits in the event. :param MinimizeInLog(E): *Default* = ``False``, Minimizing in log(E) can improve the results when E varies slowly across the range. :param Minimizer: *Default* = ``''``, The function minimizer. Options are "Brent", "Powell", and "Simplex" :param PandelLambda: *Default* = ``47.0``, Pandel length parameter. :param PandelLambdaA: *Default* = ``98.0``, Pandel absorption length. :param PandelLightSpeed: *Default* = ``0.22103046286329384``, The speed of light in ice. :param PandelMaxDist: *Default* = ``500.0``, If the distance from the hit to the cascade vertex is greater than "PandelMaxDist", the probability will be Set to "PandelSmallProb". If PandelMaxDist is less than or equal to zero, it will be ignored. :param PandelSigma: *Default* = ``15.0``, Patched Pandel gaussian width. :param PandelSmallProb: *Default* = ``1e-10``, The minimum probability (a small positive definite number.) :param PandelTau: *Default* = ``450.0``, Pandel time parameter. :param ParamAzimuth: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the cascade azimuthal angle. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamEnergy: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the cascade energy. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamT: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the vertex time. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamX: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the vertex x-coordinate. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamY: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the vertex y-coordinate. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamZ: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the vertex z-coordinate. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param ParamZenith: *Default* = ``''``, Step size (SS), lower limit (LL), upper limit (UL), fix (true or false) for the cascade polar angle. String format is "SS, LL, UL, fix". :param PDF: *Default* = ``''``, The probability density function. Options are "UPandel", "UPandelMpe", "HitNoHit", "HitNoHitMpe", and "PndlHnh","HnhDir " :param PndlHnhWeight: *Default* = ``1.0``, The weight of the Hit/No-hit factor of the PndlHnh PDF. The weight of the UPandel factor is always 1.0. :param RecoSeries: *Default* = ``'Muon-DAQ Hits'``, RecoSeries name :param ResultName: *Default* = ``'CscdLlh'``, Key for the RecoResultDict entry that holds the result of the reconstruction. :param SeedKey: *Default* = ``''``, The dictionary key that holds the first guess vertex. :param SeedWithOrigin: *Default* = ``False``, If true, use the detector origin and t=0 as a first guess. The "SeedKey" will be ignored. To be used only for testing purposes. :param Tolerance: *Default* = ``0.01``, Required tolerance on the function value at the minimum.