Project NuRadioMCInterface -------------------------- Invoke with: ``import icecube.NuRadioMCInterface`` Python I3Modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. js:data:: EventFilterModule ``EventFilterModule`` *(Python I3Module)* IceTray module which is a wrapper around the class EventFilter. :param excludedOMtypes: *Default* = ``None``, excludedOMtypes :param GDCFile: *Default* = ``'/cvmfs/'``, GDCFile :param onlyTracks: *Default* = ``False``, onlyTracks :param padding: *Default* = ``300.0``, padding .. js:data:: NuRadioMCReader ``NuRadioMCReader`` *(Python I3Module)* This module reads NuRadioMC's hdf5 files and injects particles to simulated the optical counter part of radio-producing neutrino events. It only injects the primary neutrino and particles produced in the primary neutrino interaction: A secondary lepton and a hadron bundle. Any secondary particle interaction which might have been simulated with NuRadioMC using PROPOSAL is ignored! So far only neutral- and charge- current interactions are supported. :param FilenameList: *Default* = ``[]``, Inputfile list :param RelativePosition: *Default* = ``array([-11760.25, 3354.67])``, Relative position of coordinate origin in NuRadioMC (only x, y) in meter. Run scripts/blob/gen2-tdr-2021/gen2-tdr-2021/detector/ to get the numbers for the different tdr array layouts. The default is for the baseline array. :param SelectMuonsAndTaus: *Default* = ``False``, By default all possible neutrino flavors and interaction types found in the input files are processed. If this parameter is set, select only CC-interactions of muon and tau neutrinos which are most relevant for concidence studies. :param UseRadioTrigger: *Default* = ``False``, Select only _showers_ which have a trigger simulated by NuRadioMC/Reco. Be aware that although the shower of the first interaction might not have triggered, the event could be triggered.... Typically only triggered events are stored .... A correct check if the event triggered is not implemented yet. .. js:data:: ParticleTypeRecover ``ParticleTypeRecover`` *(Python I3Module)* This module sets the particle type of particles (of events) for which the type was not stored and set to "UNKNOWN" by the reader [#]_. The particle type for the primary neutrino and daughter lepton is only set if it can be determine unambiguously from "NuRadioMC_GeneratorInfo" (omitting the difference between (anti)neutrino as it does not matter at radio energies ~> 10 PeV).