Source code for iceprod.server.grid

Interface for configuring and submitting jobs on a computing cluster.
Do not use this class directly. Instead use one of the implementations
that inherit from this class.

import os
import random
import logging
import time
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import hashlib
import socket
import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from asyncache import cached
from cachetools import TTLCache
from cachetools.func import ttl_cache
from tornado.concurrent import run_on_executor

import iceprod
import iceprod.core.exe
from iceprod.core.defaults import add_default_options
from iceprod.core import dataclasses
from iceprod.core import functions
from iceprod.core import serialization
from iceprod.core.resources import Resources, group_hasher
from iceprod.s3 import S3
from iceprod.server import get_pkg_binary

logger = logging.getLogger('grid')

[docs] def get_host(): """Cache the host fqdn for 1 hour""" t = time.time() if get_host.history and get_host.history[0]+3600 < t: return get_host.history[1] host = socket.getfqdn() get_host.history = [t, host] return host
get_host.history = None # noqa: E305 CRED_SUBMIT_DIR = 'iceprod_credentials'
[docs] class BaseGrid(object): """ Interface for a generic job distribution system. Do not use this class directly. Use one of the plugins. """ # use only these grid states when defining grid status GRID_STATES = ('queued','processing','completed','error','unknown') def __init__(self, gridspec, queue_cfg, cfg, modules, executor, statsd, rest_client, cred_client): self.gridspec = gridspec self.queue_cfg = queue_cfg self.cfg = cfg self.modules = modules self.executor = executor self.statsd = statsd self.rest_client = rest_client self.cred_client = cred_client = None if 'site' in self.queue_cfg: = self.queue_cfg['site'] self.credentials_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars( self.cfg['queue']['credentials_dir'])) if not os.path.exists(self.credentials_dir): try: os.makedirs(self.credentials_dir) except Exception: logger.warning('error making credentials dir %s', self.credentials_dir, exc_info=True) self.submit_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars( self.cfg['queue']['submit_dir'])) if not os.path.exists(self.submit_dir): try: os.makedirs(self.submit_dir) except Exception: logger.warning('error making submit dir %s',self.submit_dir, exc_info=True) self.grid_processing = 0 self.grid_idle = 0 # Public Functions #
[docs] async def check_and_clean(self): """Check and clean the grid""" # get time limits try: queued_time = timedelta(seconds=self.queue_cfg['max_task_queued_time']) except Exception: queued_time = timedelta(seconds=86400*2) try: processing_time = timedelta(seconds=self.queue_cfg['max_task_processing_time']) except Exception: processing_time = timedelta(seconds=86400*2) try: suspend_time = timedelta(seconds=self.queue_cfg['suspend_submit_dir_time']) except Exception: suspend_time = timedelta(seconds=86400) all_time = queued_time + processing_time + suspend_time time_dict = {'queued': queued_time, 'processing': queued_time+processing_time, 'completed': all_time, 'error': all_time, 'unknown': all_time} for t in time_dict: logger.debug("time limit: %s - %s",t,time_dict[t]) now = datetime.utcnow() # get pilots from iceprod host = get_host() args = { 'queue_host': host, 'keys': 'pilot_id|queue_host|grid_queue_id|submit_date|tasks', } ret = await self.rest_client.request('GET', '/pilots', args) # filter by queue host # index by grid_queue_id pilots = {} for pilot_id in ret: if (ret[pilot_id]['queue_host'] == host and 'grid_queue_id' in ret[pilot_id] and ret[pilot_id]['grid_queue_id']): pilots[ret[pilot_id]['grid_queue_id']] = ret[pilot_id] # get grid status grid_jobs = await asyncio.ensure_future(self.get_grid_status()) logger.debug("iceprod pilots: %r", list(pilots)) logger.debug("grid jobs: %r", list(grid_jobs)) reset_pilots = set(pilots).difference(grid_jobs) remove_grid_jobs = set(grid_jobs).difference(pilots) prechecked_dirs = set() # check the queue grid_idle = 0 for grid_queue_id in set(grid_jobs).intersection(pilots): status = grid_jobs[grid_queue_id]['status'] submit_time = pilots[grid_queue_id]['submit_date'] if '.' in submit_time: submit_time = datetime.strptime(submit_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') else: submit_time = datetime.strptime(submit_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if now - submit_time > time_dict[status]:'pilot over time: %r', pilots[grid_queue_id]['pilot_id']) reset_pilots.add(pilots[grid_queue_id]['pilot_id']) elif status == 'queued': grid_idle += 1 submit_dir = grid_jobs[grid_queue_id]['submit_dir'] if submit_dir: # queueing systems don't like deleteing directories they know # about, so put them on a list of "don't touch" prechecked_dirs.add(submit_dir) self.grid_idle = grid_idle self.grid_processing = len(pilots)-len(reset_pilots)-grid_idle # check submit directories delete_dirs = set() for x in os.listdir(self.submit_dir): d = os.path.join(self.submit_dir,x) if d in prechecked_dirs: continue if os.path.isdir(d) and '_' in x: logger.debug('found submit_dir %s',d) mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(d)) # use all_time instead of suspend_time because the # dir will have the submit time, not the last time if now-mtime < all_time: continue # skip for suspended or failed tasks delete_dirs.add(d)'%d processing pilots', self.grid_processing)'%d queued pilots', self.grid_idle)'%d ->reset', len(reset_pilots))'%d ->grid remove', len(remove_grid_jobs))'%d ->submit clean', len(delete_dirs)) self.statsd.gauge('processing_pilots', self.grid_processing) self.statsd.gauge('queued_pilots', self.grid_idle) self.statsd.incr('reset_pilots', len(reset_pilots)) self.statsd.incr('grid_remove', len(remove_grid_jobs)) self.statsd.incr('clean_dirs', len(delete_dirs)) # reset tasks if reset_pilots:'reset %r',reset_pilots) for grid_queue_id in reset_pilots: try: pilot_id = pilots[grid_queue_id]['pilot_id'] await self.rest_client.request('DELETE', '/pilots/{}'.format(pilot_id)) except KeyError: pass # remove grid tasks if remove_grid_jobs:'remove %r',remove_grid_jobs) await asyncio.ensure_future(self.remove(remove_grid_jobs)) if delete_dirs: await asyncio.ensure_future(self._delete_dirs(delete_dirs))
[docs] async def queue(self): """Queue tasks to the grid""" # get tasks on the queue args = { 'status': 'queued', 'keys': 'task_id|dataset_id|status_changed|requirements', } ret = await self.rest_client.request('GET', '/tasks', args) tasks = [] for t in ret['tasks']: if 'site' in t['requirements'] and t['requirements']['site'] != continue tasks.append(t) dataset_ids = set(row['dataset_id'] for row in tasks) # get dataset priorities dataset_prios = {} for d in dataset_ids: dataset = await self.rest_client.request('GET', '/datasets/{}'.format(d)) dataset_prios[d] = dataset['priority'] # sort by dataset priority, status changed time tasks.sort(key=lambda t:(-1*dataset_prios[t['dataset_id']],t['status_changed'],t['task_id'])) # queue new pilots await self.setup_pilots(tasks)
# Private Functions #
[docs] def get_queue_num(self, available=100000): """Determine how many pilots to queue.""" tasks_on_queue = self.queue_cfg['pilots_on_queue'] queue_tot_max = tasks_on_queue[1] - self.grid_processing - self.grid_idle queue_idle_max = tasks_on_queue[0] - self.grid_idle queue_interval_max = tasks_on_queue[2] if len(tasks_on_queue) > 2 else tasks_on_queue[0] queue_num = max(0,min(available - self.grid_idle, queue_tot_max, queue_idle_max, queue_interval_max))'queueing %d pilots', queue_num) self.statsd.incr('queueing_pilots', queue_num) return queue_num
@run_on_executor def _delete_dirs(self, dirs): # delete dirs that need deleting for t in dirs: if not t.startswith(self.submit_dir): # some security against nefarious things raise Exception('directory %s not in submit_dir %s'%(t, self.submit_dir)) try:'deleting submit_dir %s', t) functions.removedirs(t) except Exception: logger.warning('could not delete submit dir %s', t, exc_info=True) continue @staticmethod def _get_resources(tasks): """yield resource information for each task in a list""" default_resource = deepcopy(Resources.defaults) for k in default_resource: if isinstance(default_resource[k],list): default_resource[k] = len(default_resource[k]) for t in tasks: values = {} try: for k in t['reqs']: if k in default_resource and t['reqs'][k]: try: if isinstance(default_resource[k], int): values[k] = int(t['reqs'][k]) elif isinstance(default_resource[k], float): values[k] = float(t['reqs'][k]) else: values[k] = t['reqs'][k] except Exception: logger.warning('bad reqs value for task %r', t) elif k == 'os' and t['reqs'][k]: logger.debug('OS req: %s', t['reqs'][k]) values['os'] = ','.join(t['reqs'][k]) if isinstance(t['reqs'][k], list) else t['reqs'][k] except TypeError: logger.warning('t[reqs]: %r',t['reqs']) raise resource = deepcopy(default_resource) resource.update(values) yield resource
[docs] async def setup_pilots(self, tasks): """Setup pilots for the task reqs""" host = get_host() debug = False if ('queue' in self.cfg and 'debug' in self.cfg['queue'] and self.cfg['queue']['debug']): debug = True # convert to resource requests and group them groups = defaultdict(list) for resources in self._get_resources({'reqs':t['requirements']} for t in tasks): k = group_hasher(resources) groups[k].append(resources) # get already queued pilots pilot_groups = Counter() ret = await self.rest_client.request('GET', '/pilots', {'host': '', 'keys':'resources'}) for pilot in ret.values(): k = group_hasher(pilot['resources']) pilot_groups[k] += 1 # remove already queued groups from consideration groups_considered = Counter() for k in groups: n = len(groups[k]) - pilot_groups[k] if n > 0: groups_considered[k] = n # select at least one from each resource group queue_num = self.get_queue_num(available=len(tasks)) groups_to_queue = Counter() keys = set(groups_considered.keys()) while queue_num > 0 and keys: for k in list(keys): if groups_considered[k] < 1: keys.remove(k) else: groups_to_queue[k] += 1 groups_considered[k] -= 1 queue_num -= 1 if queue_num < 1: break logger.debug('groups_to_queue: %r', groups_to_queue) for r in groups_to_queue: try: resources = defaultdict(list) for x in groups[r]: for k in x: if x[k] is not None: resources[k].append(x[k]) resources = {k:resources[k][0] if isinstance(resources[k][0],dataclasses.String) else max(resources[k]) for k in resources}'submitting %d pilots for resource %r', groups_to_queue[r], resources) for name in resources: self.statsd.incr('pilot_resources.'+name, resources[name]) pilot = { 'task_id': 'pilot', 'name': 'pilot', 'debug': debug, 'reqs': resources, 'num': groups_to_queue[r], 'pilot_ids': [], } args = { 'queue_host': host, 'queue_version': iceprod.__version__, 'resources': resources, } for _ in range(groups_to_queue[r]): ret = await self.rest_client.request('POST', '/pilots', args) pilot['pilot_ids'].append(ret['result']) await self.setup_submit_directory(pilot) await asyncio.ensure_future(self.submit(pilot)) grid_queue_ids = pilot['grid_queue_id'].split(',') for i,pilot_id in enumerate(pilot['pilot_ids']): ret = await self.rest_client.request( 'PATCH', '/pilots/{}'.format(pilot_id), {'grid_queue_id': grid_queue_ids[i]} ) except Exception: logger.error('error submitting pilots', exc_info=True)
[docs] @ttl_cache(ttl=600) def get_token(self): return self.cred_client.make_access_token()
[docs] @cached(TTLCache(1024, 60)) async def get_user_credentials(self, username): ret = await self.cred_client.request('GET', f'/users/{username}/credentials') return ret
[docs] @cached(TTLCache(1024, 60)) async def get_group_credentials(self, group): ret = await self.cred_client.request('GET', f'/groups/{group}/credentials') return ret
[docs] async def customize_task_config(self, task_cfg, job_cfg=None, dataset=None): """Transforms for the task config"""'customize_task_config for %s', job_cfg.get('options', {}).get('task_id', 'unknown')) # first expand site temp urls def expand_remote(cfg): new_data = [] for d in cfg.get('data', []): if not d['remote']: try: remote_base = d.storage_location(job_cfg)'expanding remote for %r', d['local']) d['remote'] = os.path.join(remote_base, d['local']) except Exception: # ignore failed expansions, as these are likely local temp paths pass new_data.append(d) cfg['data'] = new_data expand_remote(task_cfg) for tray in task_cfg['trays']: expand_remote(tray) for module in tray['modules']: expand_remote(module)'task_cfg: %r', task_cfg) # now apply S3 and token credentials creds = self.cfg.get('creds', {}) if dataset['group'] == 'users': ret = await self.get_user_credentials(dataset['username']) else: ret = await self.get_group_credentials(dataset['group']) creds.update(ret) s3_creds = {url: creds.pop(url) for url in list(creds) if creds[url]['type'] == 's3'} if s3_creds: # if we have any s3 credentials, try presigning urls'testing job for s3 credentials') try: queued_time = timedelta(seconds=self.queue_cfg['max_task_queued_time']) except Exception: queued_time = timedelta(seconds=86400*2) try: processing_time = timedelta(seconds=self.queue_cfg['max_task_processing_time']) except Exception: processing_time = timedelta(seconds=86400*2) expiration = (queued_time + processing_time).total_seconds()'s3 cred expire time: {expiration}') def presign_s3(cfg): new_data = [] for d in cfg.get('data', []): for url in s3_creds: if d['remote'].startswith(url):'found data for cred: %s', url) path = d['remote'][len(url):].lstrip('/') bucket = None if '/' in path: bucket, key = path.split('/', 1) if (not bucket) or bucket not in s3_creds[url]['buckets']: key = path bucket = urlparse(url).hostname.split('.', 1)[0] if bucket not in s3_creds[url]['buckets']: raise RuntimeError('bad s3 bucket') while '//' in key: key = key.replace('//', '/') while key.startswith('/'): key = key[1:] s = S3(url, s3_creds[url]['access_key'], s3_creds[url]['secret_key'], bucket=bucket)'S3 url={url} bucket={bucket} key={key}') if d['movement'] == 'input': d['remote'] = s.get_presigned(key, expiration=expiration) new_data.append(d) elif d['movement'] == 'output': d['remote'] = s.put_presigned(key, expiration=expiration) elif d['movement'] == 'both': d['movement'] = 'input' d['remote'] = s.get_presigned(key, expiration=expiration) new_data.append(d.copy()) d['movement'] = 'output' d['remote'] = s.put_presigned(key, expiration=expiration) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown s3 data movement') new_data.append(d) break else: new_data.append(d) cfg['data'] = new_data presign_s3(task_cfg) for tray in task_cfg['trays']: presign_s3(tray) for module in tray['modules']: presign_s3(module) oauth_creds = {url: creds.pop(url) for url in list(creds) if creds[url]['type'] == 'oauth'} if oauth_creds: # if we have token-based credentials, add them to the config'testing job for oauth credentials') cred_keys = set() def get_creds(cfg): for d in cfg.get('data', []): for url in oauth_creds: if d['remote'].startswith(url):'found data for cred: %s', url) cred_keys.add(url) break get_creds(task_cfg) for tray in task_cfg['trays']: get_creds(tray) for module in tray['modules']: get_creds(module) file_creds = {} for url in cred_keys: cred_name = hashlib.sha1(oauth_creds[url]['access_token'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() path = os.path.join(self.credentials_dir, cred_name) if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(oauth_creds[url]['access_token']) file_creds[url] = cred_name job_cfg['options']['credentials'] = file_creds
[docs] async def setup_submit_directory(self,task): """Set up submit directory""" # create directory for task submit_dir = self.submit_dir task_dir = os.path.join(submit_dir,task['task_id']+'_'+str(random.randint(0,1000000))) while os.path.exists(task_dir): task_dir = os.path.join(submit_dir,task['task_id']+'_'+str(random.randint(0,1000000))) task_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(task_dir))) os.makedirs(task_dir) task['submit_dir'] = task_dir # symlink or copy the .sh file src = get_pkg_binary('iceprod', '') dest = os.path.join(task_dir, '') try: os.symlink(src, dest) except Exception: try: functions.copy(src, dest) except Exception: logger.error('Error creating symlink or copy of .sh file: %s',dest,exc_info=True) raise # get passkey # expiration = self.queue_cfg['max_task_queued_time'] # expiration += self.queue_cfg['max_task_processing_time'] # expiration += self.queue_cfg['max_task_reset_time'] # TODO: take expiration into account passkey = self.get_token() # write cfg cfg, filelist = self.write_cfg(task) # create submit file try: await asyncio.ensure_future(self.generate_submit_file( task, cfg=cfg, passkey=passkey, filelist=filelist )) except Exception: logger.error('Error generating submit file',exc_info=True) raise
[docs] def create_config(self, task): if 'config' in task and task['config']: config = serialization.dict_to_dataclasses(task['config']) else: config = dataclasses.Job() # add server options config['options']['task_id'] = task['task_id'] config['options']['task'] = task['name'] if 'job' in task: config['options']['job'] = task['job'] if 'jobs_submitted' in task: config['options']['jobs_submitted'] = task['jobs_submitted'] if 'dataset_id' in task: config['options']['dataset_id'] = task['dataset_id'] if 'dataset' in task: config['options']['dataset'] = task['dataset'] config['options']['stillrunninginterval'] = self.queue_cfg['ping_interval'] config['options']['debug'] = task['debug'] config['options']['upload'] = 'logging' config['options']['gridspec'] = self.gridspec if (not config['options'].get('site_temp','')) and 'site_temp' in self.cfg['queue']: config['options']['site_temp'] = self.cfg['queue']['site_temp'] if ('download' in self.cfg and 'http_username' in self.cfg['download'] and self.cfg['download']['http_username']): config['options']['username'] = self.cfg['download']['http_username'] if ('download' in self.cfg and 'http_password' in self.cfg['download'] and self.cfg['download']['http_password']): config['options']['password'] = self.cfg['download']['http_password'] add_default_options(config['options']) return config
[docs] def write_cfg(self, task): """Write the config file for a task-like object""" filename = os.path.join(task['submit_dir'],'task.cfg') filelist = [filename] config = self.create_config(task) if creds := config['options'].get('credentials', {}): cred_dir = os.path.join(task['submit_dir'], CRED_SUBMIT_DIR) os.mkdir(cred_dir) for name in creds.values(): src = os.path.join(self.credentials_dir, name) dest = os.path.join(cred_dir, name) os.symlink(src, dest) filelist.append(cred_dir) if 'system' in self.cfg and 'remote_cacert' in self.cfg['system']: config['options']['ssl'] = {} config['options']['ssl']['cacert'] = os.path.basename(self.cfg['system']['remote_cacert']) src = self.cfg['system']['remote_cacert'] dest = os.path.join(task['submit_dir'],config['options']['ssl']['cacert']) try: os.symlink(src,dest) except Exception: try: functions.copy(src,dest) except Exception: logger.error('Error creating symlink or copy of remote_cacert', exc_info=True) raise filelist.append(dest) if 'x509proxy' in self.cfg['queue'] and self.cfg['queue']['x509proxy']: config['options']['x509'] = os.path.basename(self.cfg['queue']['x509proxy']) src = self.cfg['queue']['x509proxy']'submit_dir %r x509 %r', task['submit_dir'], config['options']['x509']) dest = os.path.join(task['submit_dir'],config['options']['x509']) try: os.symlink(src,dest) except Exception: try: functions.copy(src,dest) except Exception: logger.error('Error creating symlink or copy of x509 proxy', exc_info=True) raise filelist.append(dest) if 'extra_file_tranfers' in self.cfg['queue'] and self.cfg['queue']['extra_file_tranfers']: for f in self.cfg['queue']['extra_file_tranfers']:'submit_dir %r extra_files %r', task['submit_dir'], f) dest = os.path.join(task['submit_dir'],os.path.basename(f)) try: os.symlink(os.path.abspath(f),dest) except Exception: try: functions.copy(f,dest) except Exception: logger.error('Error creating symlink or copy of extra file %s', f, exc_info=True) raise filelist.append(dest) if 'data_movement_stats' in self.cfg['queue'] and self.cfg['queue']['data_movement_stats']: config['options']['data_movement_stats'] = self.cfg['queue']['data_movement_stats'] if 'upload_checksum' in self.cfg['queue']: config['options']['upload_checksum'] = self.cfg['queue']['upload_checksum'] if 'reqs' in task: # add resources config['options']['resources'] = {} for r in task['reqs']: config['options']['resources'][r] = task['reqs'][r] # write to file serialization.serialize_json.dump(config, filename) c = iceprod.core.exe.Config(config) config = c.parseObject(config, {}) return (config, filelist)
# not async: called from executor
[docs] def get_submit_args(self,task,cfg=None,passkey=None): """Get the submit arguments to start the loader script.""" # get website address if ('rest_api' in self.cfg and self.cfg['rest_api'] and 'url' in self.cfg['rest_api'] and self.cfg['rest_api']['url']): web_address = self.cfg['rest_api']['url'] else: raise Exception('no web address for rest calls') args = [] if 'software_dir' in self.queue_cfg and self.queue_cfg['software_dir']: args.append('-s {}'.format(self.queue_cfg['software_dir'])) if 'iceprod_dir' in self.queue_cfg and self.queue_cfg['iceprod_dir']: args.append('-e {}'.format(self.queue_cfg['iceprod_dir'])) if 'x509proxy' in self.cfg['queue'] and self.cfg['queue']['x509proxy']: args.append('-x {}'.format(os.path.basename(self.cfg['queue']['x509proxy']))) if ('download' in self.cfg and 'http_proxy' in self.cfg['download'] and self.cfg['download']['http_proxy']): args.apend('-c {}'.format(self.cfg['download']['http_proxy'])) args.append('--url {}'.format(web_address)) if passkey: args.append('--passkey {}'.format(passkey)) if cfg: args.append('--cfgfile task.cfg') if 'debug' in task and task['debug']: args.append('--debug') return args
# Plugin Overrides #
[docs] async def get_grid_status(self): """Get all tasks running on the queue system. Returns {grid_queue_id:{status,submit_dir}} """ return {}
[docs] async def generate_submit_file(self,task,cfg=None,passkey=None,filelist=None): """Generate queueing system submit file for task in dir.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def submit(self,task): """Submit task to queueing system.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def remove(self,tasks): """Remove tasks from queueing system.""" pass