Source code for

import logging
import json
import uuid

import pymongo
import tornado.web

from ..base_handler import APIBase
from ..auth import authorization
from iceprod.server.util import nowstr

logger = logging.getLogger('rest.pilots')

[docs] def setup(handler_cfg): """ Setup method for Pilots REST API. Args: handler_cfg (dict): args to pass to the route Returns: dict: routes, database, indexes """ return { 'routes': [ (r'/pilots', MultiPilotsHandler, handler_cfg), (r'/pilots/(?P<pilot_id>\w+)', PilotsHandler, handler_cfg), ], 'database': 'pilots', 'indexes': { 'jobs': { 'pilot_id_index': {'keys': 'pilot_id', 'unique': True}, } } }
[docs] class MultiPilotsHandler(APIBase): """ Handle multi pilots requests. """
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'system']) async def get(self): """ Get pilot entries. Params (optional): queue_host: queue_host to filter by queue_version: queue_version to filter by host: host to filter by version: version to filter by keys: | separated list of keys to return for each pilot Returns: dict: {'uuid': {pilot_data}} """ filters = {} for k in ('queue_host','queue_version','host','version'): tmp = self.get_argument(k, None) if tmp: filters[k] = tmp projection = {'_id': False} keys = self.get_argument('keys','') if keys: projection.update({x:True for x in keys.split('|') if x}) projection['pilot_id'] = True ret = {} async for row in self.db.pilots.find(filters,projection=projection): ret[row['pilot_id']] = row self.write(ret)
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'system']) async def post(self): """ Create a pilot entry. Body should contain the pilot data. Returns: dict: {'result': <pilot_id>} """ data = json.loads(self.request.body) # validate first req_fields = { 'queue_host': str, 'queue_version': str, # iceprod version 'resources': dict, # min resources requested } for k in req_fields: if k not in data: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400, reason='missing key: '+k) if not isinstance(data[k], req_fields[k]): r = 'key {} should be of type {}'.format(k, req_fields[k]) raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400, reason=r) # set some fields pilot_id = uuid.uuid1().hex data['pilot_id'] = pilot_id data['submit_date'] = nowstr() data['start_date'] = '' data['last_update'] = data['submit_date'] if 'tasks' not in data: data['tasks'] = [] if 'host' not in data: data['host'] = '' if 'site' not in data: data['site'] = '' if 'version' not in data: data['version'] = '' if 'grid_queue_id' not in data: data['grid_queue_id'] = '' if 'resources_available' not in data: data['resources_available'] = {} if 'resources_claimed' not in data: data['resources_claimed'] = {} await self.db.pilots.insert_one(data) self.set_status(201) self.write({'result': pilot_id}) self.finish()
[docs] class PilotsHandler(APIBase): """ Handle single pilot requests. """
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'system']) async def get(self, pilot_id): """ Get a pilot entry. Args: pilot_id (str): the pilot id Returns: dict: pilot entry """ ret = await self.db.pilots.find_one({'pilot_id':pilot_id}, projection={'_id':False}) if not ret: self.send_error(404, reason="Pilot not found") else: self.write(ret) self.finish()
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'system']) async def patch(self, pilot_id): """ Update a pilot entry. Body should contain the pilot data to update. Note that this will perform a merge (not replace). Args: pilot_id (str): the pilot id Returns: dict: updated pilot entry """ data = json.loads(self.request.body) if not data: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400, reason='Missing update data') data['last_update'] = nowstr() ret = await self.db.pilots.find_one_and_update( {'pilot_id':pilot_id}, {'$set':data}, projection={'_id':False}, return_document=pymongo.ReturnDocument.AFTER ) if not ret: self.send_error(404, reason="Pilot not found") else: if 'site' in ret and ret['site']: self.module.statsd.incr('site.{}.pilot'.format(ret['site'])) self.write(ret) self.finish()
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'system']) async def delete(self, pilot_id): """ Delete a pilot entry. Args: pilot_id (str): the pilot id Returns: dict: empty dict """ ret = await self.db.pilots.find_one_and_delete({'pilot_id':pilot_id}) if not ret: self.send_error(404, reason="Pilot not found") else: if 'site' in ret and ret['site']: self.module.statsd.incr('site.{}.pilot_delete'.format(ret['site'])) self.write({})