Source code for

import logging
import json

import tornado.web

from ..base_handler import APIBase
from ..auth import authorization, attr_auth

logger = logging.getLogger('rest.config')

[docs] def setup(handler_cfg): """ Setup method for Config REST API. Args: handler_cfg (dict): args to pass to the route Returns: dict: routes, database, indexes """ return { 'routes': [ (r'/config/(?P<dataset_id>\w+)', ConfigHandler, handler_cfg), ], 'database': 'config', 'indexes': { 'config': { 'dataset_id_index': {'keys': 'dataset_id', 'unique': True}, } } }
[docs] class ConfigHandler(APIBase): """ Handle config requests. """
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'user', 'system']) @attr_auth(arg='dataset_id', role='read') async def get(self, dataset_id): """ Get a config. Args: dataset_id (str): the dataset id of the config Returns: dict: config """ ret = await self.db.config.find_one( {'dataset_id':dataset_id}, projection={'_id':False, 'dataset_id':False} ) if not ret: self.send_error(404, reason="Config not found") else: self.write(ret)
[docs] @authorization(roles=['admin', 'user', 'system']) @attr_auth(arg='dataset_id', role='write') async def put(self, dataset_id): """ Set a config. Body should contain the config. Args: dataset_id (str): the dataset id of the config Returns: dict: empty dict """ data = json.loads(self.request.body) if 'dataset_id' not in data: data['dataset_id'] = dataset_id elif data['dataset_id'] != dataset_id: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400, reason='dataset_id mismatch') await self.db.config.replace_one({'dataset_id':dataset_id}, data, upsert=True) self.write({})