Source code for iceprod.core.parser

A `recursive descent parser
<>`_ for the IceProd meta
language. Most commonly used in IceProd dataset configurations to refer to
other parts of the same configuration.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re
import random
import functools
import json
import builtins
import logging
import ast
import operator as op

from iceprod.core import dataclasses

logger = logging.getLogger('parser')

class safe_eval:
    # supported operators
    operators = {
        ast.Add: op.add,
        ast.Sub: op.sub,
        ast.Mult: op.mul,
        ast.Div: op.truediv,
        ast.FloorDiv: op.floordiv,
        ast.Mod: op.mod,
        ast.Pow: op.pow,
        ast.BitXor: op.xor,
        ast.Invert: op.invert,
        ast.Not: op.not_,
        ast.UAdd: op.pos,
        ast.USub: op.neg,

[docs] @classmethod def eval(cls,expr): """ Safe evaluation of arithmatic operations using :mod:`Abstract Syntax Trees <ast>`. """ return cls.__eval(ast.parse(expr).body[0].value) # Module(body=[Expr(value=...)])
@classmethod def __eval(cls,node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, (ast.operator,ast.unaryop)): # <operator> return cls.operators[type(node)] elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> return cls.__eval(node.op)(cls.__eval(node.left), cls.__eval(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <right> return cls.__eval(node.op)(cls.__eval(node.operand)) else: raise TypeError(node) class GrammarException(Exception): pass def getType(output): try: if isinstance(output,dataclasses.String) and not (output.startswith('"') and output.endswith('"')): try: output = json.loads(output.replace("'",'"')) except Exception: logging.debug('error formatting json', exc_info=True) if output.lower() == 'true': output = True elif output.lower() == 'false': output = False elif output.isdigit(): output = int(output) else: output = float(output) except Exception: pass return output def parse_ret_type(ret): if isinstance(ret, (list,dict)): return ret else: return str(ret) tokens = ["word", "name", "starter", "scopeL", "scopeR", "bracketL", "bracketR"] def scanner(data): """A lexical scanner, yielding token pairs""" word = '' escape = False for ch in data: if escape: word += ch escape = False elif ch == '\\': escape = True elif ch in '$()[]': if word: yield ('word', word) word = '' if ch == '$': yield ('starter', '$') elif ch == '(': yield ('scopeL', '(') elif ch == ')': yield ('scopeR', ')') elif ch == '[': yield ('bracketL', '[') elif ch == ']': yield ('bracketR', ']') else: word += ch if word: yield ('word', word) def parser(data): """A syntactic parser, yielding syntactically accurate token pairs""" last_token = None last_word = '' nestings = 0 stack = [] for token,word in scanner(data): logger.debug('%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%r',token,word,last_token,last_word,nestings,stack) if token == 'starter': if last_token == 'word': yield ("word", last_word) if last_token: stack.append(nestings) nestings = 0 last_word = '' yield ("starter", '$') last_token = 'starter' elif token == 'scopeL': if last_token == 'starter': yield ('name', None) last_token = 'name' if last_token == 'name': yield (token,word) last_token = 'scopeL' last_word = '' else: # must be part of a broken word if last_token == 'word': last_word += word else: last_token = 'word' last_word = word nestings += 1 elif token == 'scopeR': if last_token == 'word': if nestings > 0: last_word += word nestings -= 1 else: yield ("word", last_word) yield (token,word) if stack: nestings = stack.pop() else: nestings = 0 last_word = '' elif last_token == 'scopeL': yield ("word", '') yield (token,word) last_token = 'word' last_word = '' else: raise SyntaxError() elif token == 'bracketL': if last_token == 'word': if last_word: # part of a broken word last_word += '[' nestings += 1 else: yield ('bracketL', '[') last_token = 'bracketL' else: raise SyntaxError() elif token == 'bracketR': if last_token == 'word': if nestings > 0: last_word += word nestings -= 1 else: yield ("word", last_word) yield (token,word) if stack: nestings = stack.pop() else: nestings = 0 last_word = '' elif last_token == 'bracketL': yield ("word", '') yield (token,word) last_token = 'word' last_word = '' else: raise SyntaxError() elif token == 'word': if last_token == 'starter': yield ('name', word) last_token = 'name' elif last_token == 'word': last_word += word else: last_token = 'word' last_word = word else: # bad token raise SyntaxError() if last_word: yield ("word", last_word) if nestings or stack: raise SyntaxError()
[docs] class ExpParser: """ Expression parsing class for parameter values. Grammar Definition:: char := any unicode character other than $()[] word := char | char + word starter := $ scopeL := ( scopeR := ) bracketL := [ bracketR := ] symbol := starter | starter + word phrase := symbol + scopeL + sentence + scopeR lookup := word + bracketL + word + bracketR | phrase + bracketL + word + bracketR sentence := lookup | phrase | word | lookup + sentence | phrase + sentence | word + sentence Keywords: * steering : A parameter from :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Steering` * system : A system value from :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Steering` * args, options : An option value from :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Job` * metadata : A value from :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Dif` or :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Plus` * eval : An arithmatic expression * sum, min, max, len : Apply a reduction to a sequence * choice : A random choice from a list of possibilites * sprintf : The sprintf string syntax Examples:: $steering(my_parameter) $system(gpu_opts) $args(option1) $options(option1) $metadata(sensor_name) $eval(1+2) $choice(1,2,3,4) $sprintf("%04d",4) """ def __init__(self): self.job = None self.env = None self.depth = 0 # dict of keyword : function mappings self.keywords = { 'steering' : self.steering_func, 'system' : self.system_func, 'environ' : self.environ_func, 'args' : self.options_func, 'options' : self.options_func, 'metadata' : self.difplus_func, 'eval' : self.eval_func, 'choice' : self.choice_func, 'sprintf' : self.sprintf_func } for reduction in 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'len': self.keywords[reduction] = functools.partial(self.reduce_func, getattr(builtins, reduction))
[docs] def parse(self,input,job=None,env=None,depth=20): """ Parse the input, expanding where possible. :param input: input string :param job: :class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Job`, optional :param env: env dictionary, optional :param depth: how deep to recursively parse :returns: expanded string """ if depth < 1: logger.warning("recursion depth of parse exceeded") return input logger.debug("parse: %r",input) if not isinstance(input,dataclasses.String) or not input: # check for lists or dicts to recurse into if isinstance(input, list): logger.debug("recursing into list: %r", input) input = [self.parse(x, job=job, env=env, depth=depth-1) for x in input] elif isinstance(input, dict): logger.debug("recursing into dict: %r", input) input = {self.parse(x, job=job, env=env, depth=depth-1):self.parse(input[x],job=job,env=env,depth=depth-1) for x in input} return input # set job and env if job: self.job = job else: self.job = dataclasses.Job() if env: self.env = env else: self.env = {} self.depth = 0 # start at a depth of 0 while True: # parse input stack = [] try: for token,word in parser(input): logger.debug('exp %s,%s,%r',token,word,stack) if token in ('starter','name','word','scopeL','bracketL'): stack.append((token,word)) elif token == 'scopeR': # coelsce stack up to scopeL word = '' while stack and stack[-1][0] != 'scopeL': word = stack.pop()[1] + word stack.pop() # remove scopeL name = stack.pop()[1] stack.pop() # remove starter # try evaluating this try: args = [] if name: args.append(name) args.append(word) ret = self.process_phrase(*args) if isinstance(ret, (list, dict)): ret = json.dumps(ret) stack.append(('word',str(ret))) except GrammarException: logger.debug('GrammarException') stack.append(('word','$'+(name if name else '')+'('+word+')')) elif token == 'bracketR': # coelsce stack up to bracketL word = '' while stack and stack[-1][0] != 'bracketL': word = stack.pop()[1] + word stack.pop() # remove bracketL # try evaluating this if word.endswith(']'): # nested bracket, so recurse word = self.parse(word, job=job, env=env, depth=depth-1) try: ret = self.process_phrase(word) except GrammarException: ret = word # coelsce words word = '' while (stack and stack[-1][0] == 'word' and (not word.startswith('[')) and (not word.startswith('{'))): word = stack.pop()[1] + word # now do list/dict index try: innerType = getType(ret) ret = getType(word)[innerType] stack.append(('word',str(ret))) except Exception: logger.debug('cannot eval: %s[%s]', word, ret, exc_info=True) stack.append(('word',word+'['+ret+']')) else: raise SyntaxError() except Exception: logger.debug('SyntaxError', exc_info=True) output = getType(input) else: logger.debug('joining stack: %r', ''.join(s[1] for s in stack)) output = getType(''.join(s[1] for s in stack)) if isinstance(output,dataclasses.String) and output != input: logger.debug('reprocessing output: %r', output) input = output continue break # check for lists or dicts to recurse into if isinstance(output, (list,dict)): output = self.parse(output, job=job, env=env, depth=depth) # return parsed output logger.debug('parser out: %r',output) return output
def process_phrase(self,keyword,param=None): # search for keyword in special list ret = None if keyword in self.keywords and param is not None: try: ret = self.keywords[keyword](param) except GrammarException: pass if ret is None and param is None: # do general search for keyword if 'parameters' in self.env and keyword in self.env['parameters']: # search env params first ret = self.env['parameters'][keyword] elif keyword in self.job and not isinstance(self.job[keyword],dict): # search job second try: ret = self.job[keyword] except Exception: pass elif keyword in self.job['options']: # search options third try: ret = self.job['options'][keyword] except Exception: pass elif self.job['steering'] and keyword in self.job['steering']['parameters']: # search job steering last ret = self.job['steering']['parameters'][keyword] if ret is None: raise GrammarException() return parse_ret_type(ret) def steering_func(self,param): """Find param in steering""" if self.job['steering'] and param in self.job['steering']['parameters']: return parse_ret_type(self.job['steering']['parameters'][param]) else: raise GrammarException('steering:'+param) def system_func(self,param): """Find param in steering.system""" if self.job['steering'] and param in self.job['steering']['system']: return parse_ret_type(self.job['steering']['system'][param]) else: raise GrammarException('system:'+param) def environ_func(self,param): """Find param in env["environment"]""" if 'environment' in self.env and param in self.env['environment']: return parse_ret_type(self.env['environment'][param]) else: raise GrammarException('environ:'+param) def options_func(self,param): """Find param in options""" if param in self.job['options']: return parse_ret_type(self.job['options'][param]) else: raise GrammarException('options:'+param) def difplus_func(self,param): """Find param in dif plus""" try: # try dif, then plus return parse_ret_type(self.job['difplus']['dif'][param]) except Exception: try: return parse_ret_type(self.job['difplus']['plus'][param]) except Exception: raise GrammarException('difplus:'+param) def choice_func(self,param): """Evaluate param as choice expression""" if not param: raise GrammarException('no choices available') try: if isinstance(param,(tuple,list)): return parse_ret_type(random.choice(param)) else: return parse_ret_type(random.choice(param.split(','))) except Exception: raise GrammarException('not a valid choice') def eval_func(self,param): """Evaluate param as arithmetic expression""" bad = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a or (b in param),('import','open','for','while','def','class','lambda'),False) if bad: raise GrammarException('Unsafe operator call') else: try: return parse_ret_type(safe_eval.eval(param)) except Exception: raise GrammarException('Eval is not basic arithmetic') def reduce_func(self, func, param): try: return parse_ret_type(func(getType(param))) except Exception: raise GrammarException('Not a reducible sequence') def sprintf_func(self,param): """Evaluate param as sprintf. param = arg_str, arg0, arg1, ... """ # separate into format string and args strchar = param[0] if strchar in '\'"': pos = param.find(strchar,1) if pos < 0: raise GrammarException("Can't find closing quote for format string") fmt_str = param[1:pos] else: pos = param.find(',',0) if pos < 0: raise GrammarException("Can't find end of format string") fmt_str = param[0:pos] args = [] pos = param.find(',',pos) while pos >= 0: pos2 = param.find(',',pos+1) if pos2 < 0: args.append(param[pos+1:]) break else: args.append(param[pos+1:pos2]) pos = pos2 try: # cast args to correct type def cast_string(fstring,arg): """cast string to value according to formatting character""" if not fstring: return arg if fstring[-1] in 'cs': if arg[0] in '\'"': return str(arg[1:-1]) else: return str(arg) elif fstring[-1] == 'r': return repr(arg) elif fstring[-1].lower() in 'xo': return int(arg) elif fstring[-1].lower() in 'idufeg': return float(arg) else: raise GrammarException('Unable to cast %s using format %s'%(arg,fstring)) fstrings = re.findall(r'\%[#0\- +]{0,1}[0-9]*\.{0,1}[0-9]*[csridufegExXo]',fmt_str) args = list(map(cast_string,fstrings,args))[0:len(args)] # do sprintf on fmt_str and args if fstrings: return fmt_str % tuple(args) else: return fmt_str except Exception as e: raise GrammarException(str(e))